
Cuz it does not Rust
See what I did there 😄😄
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The aim is to develop the infrastructure for distributed computing with Rust so a heavy task can be split between multiple computers.

In order not to offend the terminology is chosen accordingly:

  • server - the computer which acts as a server and sends out commands
  • client - the machines actually doing the work.


The application has 2 main components

  1. Server, which accepts connections and sends out tasks
  2. Client which receives the task, performs it and returns a result


  1. Something dear to my heart: Quantum computer simulations, where a single computer calculates the final state and all the other collapse it the given number of times. Then the results are sent back to the master and are aggregated to be shown on the screen.
  2. Number crunching! Like analyzing the min, max, count etc. of given trait in a dataset.
  3. A distributed database hidden behind a single endpoint and can be quarried. TO BE THOUGHT ABOUT