
Containerization of XMRig mining software

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

This repository containerizes the XMRig mining software which runs the RandomX Proof-of-Work algorithm.

To build the XMRig image locally:

docker build -t xmrig .

You can pull a pre-built image from tthebc01/xmrig that is based on nvidia/cuda:11.4.0-runtime-ubuntu:18.04

docker pull tthebc01/xmrig

Customizing the CUDA version

If you are going to use your GPU with this image, you will need to make sure the host CUDA version and container CUDA versions match. Check what CUDA release you are using:


Then build with an appropriate base image using the build-time arg CUDAVERSION:

docker build -t xmrig --build-arg CUDAVERSION=11.4.0 .

Starting XMRig

You will need the following information handy to start the container:

  1. The address and port of the stratum server for the pool you want to mine with. Some popular choices are MineXMR, MoneroOcean, or Nanopool.
  2. The address of the wallet you want to receive you mining rewards in.
  3. A name for your mining rig.
docker run -d --rm --env POOL=us-west.minexmr.com --env PORT=443 --env RIG_ID="cyberskull" --env WALLET=4BXXX --gpus all tthebc01/xmrig