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Version 0.3 | @jjtibaquira
nsearch , is a tool that helps you find scripts that are used nmap ( nse ) , can be searched using the name or category , it is also possible to see the documentation of the scripts found.
$ pip install pyyaml
# apt-get install unzip libreadline-gplv2-dev build-essential checkinstall unzip sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev -y
# yum -y install bzip2 groupinstall "Development Tools"
To install the application is necessary run as root user the installation script (install.sh), for the time, the script is only for OS based on debian and based on Red Hat (CentOS). MacOSX or other UNIX it's better do the installation for each dependency manually.
# sh install.sh
$ find /usr -type f -name "script.db" 2>/dev/null | awk 'gsub("script.db","")'
scriptsPath: '/usr/local/share/nmap/scripts/'
filePath: '/usr/local/share/nmap/scripts/script.db'
fileBackup: 'scriptbk.db'
scriptdb: 'nmap_scripts.sqlite3'
categories: {"auth","broadcast","brute","default","discovery","dos","exploit","external","fuzzer","intrusive","malware","safe","version","vuln"}
$ python nsearch.py
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Version 0.3 | @jjtibaquira
Creating Database :nmap_scripts.sqlite3
Creating Table For Script ....
Creating Table for Categories ....
Creating Table for Scripts per Category ....
Upload Categories to Categories Table ...
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Version 0.3 | @jjtibaquira
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Version 0.3 | @jjtibaquira
nsearch> help
Nsearch Commands
clear doc exit help history last search
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Version 0.3 | @jjtibaquira
nsearch> help search
name : Search by script's name
category : Search by category
search name:http
search category:exploit
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Version 0.3 | @jjtibaquira
nsearch> search name:ssh
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Version 0.3 | @jjtibaquira
nsearch> doc ssh <TAB>
ssh-hostkey.nse ssh2-enum-algos.nse sshv1.nse
nsearch> doc sshv1.nse
local nmap = require "nmap"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local string = require "string"
description = [[
Checks if an SSH server supports the obsolete and less secure SSH Protocol Version 1.
author = "Brandon Enright"
- Fast-Tarck
- Searching by Author
- Serching by name, category, author in the same query
- Create a pretty output
- Create a file output
- Version for Windows
- Set like a favorite script
- Twitter: @jjtibaquira
- Email: jko@dragonjar.org
- Foro: http://comunidad.dragonjar.org