
TMAG5273 magnetic sensor Arduino driver

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


TMAG5273 magnetic sensor Arduino driver

Based on the TI datasheet.

In current design the INT pin is not used and connected to the ground.


  • Config many IC modes without directly operating the registers.
  • Read the magnetic data and temperature data in standard I2C read mode (stand-by mode or continuous measure mode).
  • Read the magnetic data and temperature data in 1-byte I2C read command for 16-bit sensor data mode (continuous measure mode).
  • Config all devices simultaneously by general call write.
  • Change sensor I2C address.
  • Operating sensor array.

Sensor Array

  • The sensors can share the same I2C bus by initializing the sensors in sequence. In datasheet example, each sensor is controlled by an IO port, which requires too much IOs and is not friendly to the wire connection.
  • The sensors can be powered by in sequence using MOSFET and RC delay circuit using single IO. The sensor address can be configured during this procedure. The hardware design is inside TMAG5273_unit.zip, which is designed in jialichuang EDA.


  • Support I2C read mode MODE_SENSOR8 1-byte read command for 8-bit data.
  • Support angle read.
  • Support CRC check.
  • Support interrupt.