
Livereload functionality integrated with your Django development environment.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This django app adds a management command that starts a livereload server watching all your static files and templates as well as a custom runserver command that issues livereload requests when the development server is ready after a restart.


Install package:

$ pip install django-livereload-server

Add 'livereload' to the INSTALLED_APPS, before 'django.contrib.staticfiles' if this is used:


Add 'livereload.middleware.LiveReloadScript' to the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES (probably at the end):



If you need the livereload server to use a different port than the default 35729, specify it by setting LIVERELOAD_PORT in settings.py.


Start the livereload server with:

$ ./manage.py livereload

Extra files and/or paths to watch for changes can be added as positional arguments.

Start the development server as usual with ./manage.py runserver. The command now accepts two additional options:

  • --nolivereload to disable livereload functionality
  • --livereload-port to override both default and settings file specified port


This project is based on a merge of python-livereload and django-livereload, excellent projects both and even better for smooth django development when combined.