
A Doom source port for the Classpad II (fx-CP400)

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A doom source port for the Classpad II (fx-CP400).


Download the latest .zip file and extract it into the root directory of your calculator. Your directory structure should then be as follows:

├── run.bin (Hollyhock launcher)
├── CPDoom.bin (Main CPDoom executable)
└── CPDoom/
    ├── bin/
    |   └── main.bin
    └── wad/
        ├── doom1.wad (The included shareware version of doom)
        └── ** Put other wads in here **

Using other wads

To use other wads (such as a legaly acquired registered version), add them to the /CPDoom/wad/ directory and rename your other wads to something like doom1.wad.bak so they do not get loaded.

Doom will search for wads in this order and selects the first it finds:

Filename Game Version
doom2f.wad Doom 2 (French)
doom2.wad Doom 2
plutonia.wad Plutonia
tnt.wad TNT: Evilution
doomu.wad Ultimate Doom
doom.wad Doom (Registered)
doom1.wad Doom (Shareware)


Default Controls are as follows but can be changed in Options > Controls.


Key Action
[8] Forward
[5] Backward
[6] Turn Right
[4] Turn Left
[9] Strafe Right
[7] Strafe Left
[+] Sprint
[EXE] Fire
[-] Use
[3] Next Weapon
[1] Previous Weapon
[Shift] Map


Key Action
[Keyboard] Open Menu
[Backspace] Go Back
[Clear] Enter
[Up] Up
[Down] Down
[Left] Left
[Right] Right
[y] y
[x] n