Welcome to Arquillian Test Sample Project

This maven project consists of following technologies/frameworks:

  • TestNG
  • Arquillian (testng-standalone)
  • Graphene/Drone
  • Selenium This combination allows you to easily write UI tests in Java.


Local build

Build can be triggered from any graphene-test folder with the following command

mvn clean install

Or you can run all tests together from parent project.

Running suite

mvn -Dtest.suite=testng-user-test.xml

Running single test suite

Specify test suite you want to run by test parameter.

mvn -DselectedTests=Login-Test test

Please note test suite name needs to be suffixed by Test not Tests. Otherwise it's not possible to run it separately.


Run test with Surefire plugin debug option.

mvn -Dmaven.surefire.debug test

Test execution should wait for attaching debugger to 5005 port. See example configuration of maven-debug inside IntelliJ IDEA.


Random email is used to create new customer, so that, test is sometimes failed by existed email. Please re-run.