Python driver for MAX31855 Cold-Junction Compensated Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter
- The GPIO Library (Already on most Raspberry Pi OS builds)
- A Raspberry Pi
from max31855 import MAX31855, MAX31855Error
cs_pin = 24
clock_pin = 23
data_pin = 22
units = "f"
thermocouple = MAX31855(cs_pin, clock_pin, data_pin, units)
Note: these are the GPIO pin numbers, not the header pin numbers.
This can be overriden by passing GPIO.BOARD
as the fifth init parameter.
See for a multi-chip example.
- SPI now done in software
- Use whatever pins you want for CS, Clock & Data
- Hardware SPI was limited to only two chip / slave select lines.
Now use as many chips a you have extra pins!
- Removed quick2wire dependency.
- Removed bitstring dependency; bit extraction and two's complement conversion now done in library.
- Added
method to be called on close (or destruction of instance), which does a targeted version ofGPIO.cleanup()
NOTE: If you were using the previous hardware-based version, you will have to update your code to match the new init function:
MAX31855(cs_pin, clock_pin, data_pin, units)
- Initial release.