
A Bot way to create UI Test in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


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UIBot helps you to easily build UI Robot framework to UI Test your code.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • Swift 5.0
  • iOS 9.0+


UIBot is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'UIBot', '~> 0.3.0'

Remember: This pod is only needed at UITest Target.


Robot Framework

The Robot framework discribes that you can interact with your Controller step-by-step, like:

- touch a button;
- write a text;
- wait a information;
- assert a text;

Eventually you will have a Robot for each of your controllers, and you need to discribe how you can interact with each one.

What UIBot do?

Well, UIBot gives you a lot of ready to use interations in your Controller Robot, like taps, scrolls, asserts, waits, and so on.

What I need to use UIBot?

First of all, this only works into native UIKit views, because it uses native predicates to find your view to interact with it. Futhermore, you will need to add accessibilityIdentifier to the components you want to interact to be easy to find them in code.

UIBot Concepts

Every Controller will need a Bot, that being said, you can create a class that represents your controller Asserts and Interactions, by subclassing it as Bot.

Every Bot needs a trait, a XCUIElement that represents this Controller, when this element is on screen you know your controller is on screen.

To do it a Bot needs a XCUITest and a XCUIApplication, to assert and trigger Interations on every element on screen. You do it passing a Bottable on the Robot init. When you init a Bot, it will check for trait element on screen, when the element is found you can trigger asserts and actions from it.

As you can see, you need to init a Bot to determine whenever this screen is opened in your interaction flow. Finally, the tests will look like the following:

Controller1Bot(test: Bottable)  //As Controller1 on screen
    .interaction1()             //trigger interation
    .assert()                   //do some assert
    .interaction2()             //trigger other interaction

Controller2Bot(test: Bottable)  //It opens the Controller2 
    .assert()                   //do some assert
    .interaction()              //trigger interation

Controller1Bot(test: Bottable)  //this goes back to the Controller1

Look at Example tests to understand how it is done.

And remember that you need to start your test at the correct controller as a setUp.

UIBot interations

Some actions availables in a Bot:

  • Native Alert asserts and tap buttons;
  • Custom Asserts to text, images, buttons, etc...
  • Taps a cell, button, text, cordinate, etc...
  • Write in a TextField and assert texts on TextFields
  • Custom waiting for elements
  • and more...

You can create your own interaction in a Bot, it is a good pratice after every assert or interaction function you return Self as @discardableResult to create the flow as presented before.


TucoBZ, tucobz@gmail.com


UIBot is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.