
I developed a Tourism Agency App in QT C++ as part of my OOP course semester project, with a focus on practicing OOP concepts.

Primary LanguageC++


  Tourism Agency App in C++ for semester project for OOP course. My main purpose at the time was practicing the OOP concepts. I have acquired strong knowledge about memory management:Rule of three(C++),Rule of five(C++),RAII,memory leaks,dangling pointers,smart pointers.I implement a small part from class ‘vector’ from STL C++ using concepts like iterators,template etc.Beside of OOP concepts and design patterns(Observer,Model-ViewController) , I have learned about signals,slots for graphical user interface using QT.

 The application manages different offers and provides various functionalities such as adding, updating, and deleting offers. Please refer to the user interface screenshots below.

Take a look at the UI :

We can filter or sort our offers by different properties:

The app also contains a wishlist.
image In the wishlist we have the option to add a number of random items. For this functionality I used the prebuilt shuffle in C++:


We can also export the wishlist into an html file (with a chosen name) by pressing this button:

The html has a 50% chance to have the itmes listed in a table:

And a 50% chance to have them as a list: