
Rebuild Instagram

Primary LanguageRuby

Instagram Challenge Build Status

This project represents the eight weekend challenge whilst at Makers Academy web development bootcamp.

Makers-Instagram is a web app and it basically replicates some of the features of the popular Instagram application. It's just at MVP stage but it looks and behaves quite good for a weekend's work.

The repository was forked from: https://github.com/makersacademy/instagram-challenge

Installation and use

  1. The site is online on Heroku(www.heroku.com), click the link to see it in action https://makers-instagram.herokuapp.com/
  2. To check locally download or copy the repository.
  3. Next comes bundle install
  4. bin/rake db:create
  5. bin/rake db:migrate
  6. Run the command rails s and open localhost:3000 in the browser.
  7. To run the tests type rspec.


First Page

Technologies used

  • Ruby as language.
  • Postgresql as database.
  • Ruby on Rails as a framework for fast development.
  • Rspec and Capybara for testing.
  • HTML and CSS3 for styling.
  • AWS S3 for hosting the images.
  • Devise for user management.

To implement

  • Various edge cases.
  • Ajax request for the likes so we get rid of page refresh.
  • Facebook authentication.
  • Beautiful styling for the forms.

User stories

As a user
So I can share memories with my friends
I would like to post a picture on the wall.

As a user
So I can share my thoughts with my friends
I would like to post a comment to a picture.

As a user
So I can show my appreciation
I would like to endorse a picture with a "Like".

