Url Shortner App

A full stack application that provides URL shortening functionality.

Screenshot 2021-05-27 at 21 37 29

To use the app enter a valid url with protocol included e.g. https://www.google.com and press Shorten. You will receive a shortened url with a domain and a hash e.g. https://pbid.io/ho24ipz0

A list of previously shortened urls will be available on the page.

If the url is invalid the server will return an adequate response and a validation message will be rendered.

Similarly if a server error is encountered an error state will be rendered on the front end.

Repo structure

  • Client - CRA
  • Server - Express

To run the app

Please set node version to v12.16.1

  • clone the repo

Create a .env file at the root of the server package file with the following variables. You need to define credentials for the MongoDB Atlas cluster.


Option 1 (with Docker - you must have docker installed locally)

  • at the root of the project run docker-compose build
  • then docker-compose up
  • open the app on http://localhost:3000

Option 2 (without docker)

  • install dependencies in both client and server
    • cd client
    • run yarn
    • cd server
    • run yarn
  • cd server & yarn run build
  • start both the client and the server with yarn start
  • the client will be available on http://localhost:3000
  • the server will be available on http://localhost:4000

To run the tests

  • install dependencies in both client and server using yarn


  • cd client
  • run yarn run test Screenshot 2021-05-27 at 22 10 00


  • cd server
  • run yarn test or yarn run test:watch (watch generates the coverage report) Screenshot 2021-05-27 at 00 19 52

Tech Stack

  • React
  • Express
  • MogoDB Atlas
  • Typescript
  • Docker
  • Vanilla CSS
  • Axios
  • React Testing Library
  • Supertest

Improvement opportunities

On the FE the server error Something went wrong is generic and I didn't go overboard with the message or the styling. It will be rendered if the GET or POST requests fail.

As it stands a shortened link can be shortened again; ideally the server should prevent this from happening but I had to stop development at some point and it wasn't in the original requirements either.