
Code used in both the Ardiuno and Raspberry Pi motor control workshops in Fall 2022

Primary LanguagePython

Motor Workshop Example Code

This repository contains example code for driving motors via both Raspberry Pi and Arduino, as well as reading in a camera feed from a Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi

The sample code available for Raspberry Pi is as follows:

  • incremental.py

    • Drives a servo incrementally through its full range of motion
    • Should be run on Raspberry Pi
    • Assumes servo is being controlled over pin 25
  • positions.py

    • Drives a servo motor to minimum, middle, and max positions
    • Should be run on Raspberry Pi
    • Assumes servo is rbeing controlled over pin 25
  • read_local_camera_feed.py

    • Reads and displays, using OpenCV, a video feed from a local PiCamera
    • Should be run on Raspberry Pi with a monitor attached
  • read_remote_camera_feed.py

    • Reads and displays, using OpenCV, a video feed being streamed over TCP
    • Should be run on an external computer, reading a camera feed streamed from a Raspberry Pi
    • Environment variables:
      • VIDEO_STREAM_ADDRESS - the IP address over which the video feed is being streamed
      • VIDEO_STREAM_PORT - the TCP port over which the video feed is being streamed
  • simpledriving.py

    • Drives a DC motor at varying speeds and directions
    • Should be run on Raspberry Pi
    • Assumes DC motor being controlled over pins 5 and 12
