A React Native CLI application that features seamlessly conversion of Indian currency values into a variety of selected currencies. Currently, it supports conversion to 16 different currencies, with plans to incorporate additional options in the near future.
To run this project on your local environment, you need to have Android Studio setup in your environment
- Clone this project
cd my-project
- Install node modeules
npm i
- Then run the metro with the following command for Android
npx react-native run-android
- Command for IOS
npx react-native run-ios
During the development of this application, I delved into a pivotal component of React Native known as 'FlatList'. Through this process, I gained insights into the distinctions between 'ScrollView' and 'FlatList', recognizing the advantages of the latter. Additionally, I encountered novel challenges when deploying the app on mobile, pinpointing a Gradle-related issue which I successfully resolved with the assistance of Stack Overflow. Furthermore, I expanded my repertoire with the discovery of the highly beneficial React Native npm package, 'Snackbar'.