
Backend Onboarding Service for Tuleva

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


CircleCI Known Vulnerabilities codecov


Tuleva Architecture


Tech stack



Running locally with Docker: docker compose up database -d

Spring Profile

IMPORTANT: Set your Spring active profile to dev - this will also run DB schema/dev data migration


Java 21, Spring Boot, Gradle, Spock for testing

Running locally: ./gradlew bootRun


React, TypeScript, scss, custom bootstrap, react-testing-library

Exception Monitoring



Google Analytics / Mixpanel


AWS Elastic BeanStalk: EC2 and ELB

Continuous Integration


Production Logs



Authentication: oAuth2 with Mobile-ID, ID-card and Smart-ID

Swagger UI

Postman API collection (outdated)

Build pipeline

Production: Merge GitHub pull request to master -> build in CircleCI -> auto-redeploy (if build is green)

How to add new pension funds?

  1. Add the new fund to the funds database table.

Development notes

Code style: Java, Kotlin

If you don't want to run epis-service, then you can use mock spring profile to mock EpisService, and adjust MockEpisService to your needs.

Common Issues

error="unsupported_grant_type", error_description="Unsupported grant type: mobile_id"

Make sure you are running against the right backend environment (dev or prod).

  • If you do npm run develop your package.json must proxy to http://localhost:9000
  • If you do npm run develop-production your package.json must proxy to https://onboarding-service.tuleva.ee

Known Issues

  • Digital signing does not work in the dev environment. Use the production configuration to test it locally. See DigiDocConfiguration.digiDocConfigDev() and smartid.hostUrl, smartid.relyingPartyUUID, smartid.relyingPartyName config values in application.yml and change them to production values. Use VPN for testing.


When updating Spring Boot, sometimes you need to remove all of the existing access tokens from the oauth_access_token database table. However, there's one special token granted for tuleva.ee which allows it to fetch Fund NAV values and register new users. In order to generate a new token, you need to: token by

curl --location --request POST 'https://pension.tuleva.ee/api/oauth/token' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <base64 of client_id:client_secret>' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=tuleva.ee'

and then update the token values in the WordPress Tuleva template.

Testing ID-card Locally

In order to test ID-card locally, you need to run nginx locally with the right certificates and the right domain names.

  1. Add tuleva certs to ./nginx (4 files)
  2. Update $frontend and $backend urls in etc/eb/.ebextensions/nginx/conf.d/01_ssl_proxy.conf
  3. Add to hosts file: id.tuleva.ee pension.tuleva.ee onboarding-service.tuleva.ee
  4. Run nginx with docker: docker compose up nginx
  5. Add DANGEROUSLY_DISABLE_HOST_CHECK=true to .env in onboarding-client
  6. add server.servlet.session.cookie.domain: tuleva.ee to application.yml
  7. Test through https://pension.tuleva.ee
  8. Later, don't forget to clean up your hosts file

AWS Profile

WE use AWS SSO, to get it working properly you need to configure the profile first either by running aws configure sso or pasting the following into ~/.aws/config:

[profile tuleva]
region = eu-central-1
output = json
sso_start_url = https://tuleva.awsapps.com/start
sso_region = eu-central-1
sso_account_id = 641866833894
sso_role_name = AdministratorAccess


We use AWS Client VPN. To get started, log into AWS SSO Portal and follow VPN Client Self Service instructions.

Connecting to the database

  • Establish VPN connection
  • Configure AWS Profile and login aws sso login
  • Connect to the DB using AWS IAM authentication where user is iamuser and profile tuleva.

Development Environment

Configuration is available AWS S3 s3://tulevasecrets/development-configuration/

RDS certificate upgrade

  1. Update .pem file in etc/docker
  2. If file was renamed, rename it in gradle/packaging.gradle.kts

In case file has multiple certificate chains, import-certs.sh will add all of them.



hwcrypto Sequence Diagram

Test Authentication Methods

Test Mobile ID

Test ID Card

Test Smart ID