
Primary LanguagePowerShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Install Azure PowerShell (as admin)

  • Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber

If AzureRm is already installed, remove (as admin)

  • Uninstall-AzureRm

Login to Azure from PowerShell (run and follow prompts)

  • Connect-AzAccount

List Resource Groups

  • Get-AzResourceGroup

List Resources

  • Get-AzResource

List Storage Accounts

  • Get-AzStorageAccount
  • Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName "resourceGroupName" -Name "storageAccountName"

Remove an Azure Resource (replace ... within quotes with the actual Id from the output of the command above)

  • Remove-AzResource -ResourceId "..."

Create a resource

  • New-AzResource -ResourceType "" -ResourceGroupName "" -ResourceName "" -Location "East US" -Properties

i.e. Create a CosmosDB Resource

  • $locations = @(@{"locationName"="East US"; "failoverPriority"=0}, @{"locationName"="West US"; "failoverPriority"=1})
  • $consistencyPolicy = @{"defaultConsistencyLevel"="BoundedStaleness"; "maxIntervalInSeconds"="5"; maxStalenessPrefix"="100"}
  • $iprangefilter = ""
  • $CosmosDBProperties = @{"databaseAccountOfferType"="Standard"; "locations"=$locations; "consistencyPolicy"=$consistencyPolicy; "ipRangeFilter"=$iprangefilter}
  • New-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.DocumentDb/databaseAccounts" -ResourceGroupName ""