
About the project:

In this Project I have created a simple yet famous "Pong" game using Python language and the Turtle GUI Module. If you are new to Turtle Module then let me explain, the Python Turtle Graphics Module is actually built on top of Tkinter, which is a more powerful, general purpose Python library for building GUIs which is actually Graphical User Interfaces.

How to run it on your machine?:

Step-1: All you need is a Python IDE. So you should already have a Python IDE installed on your machine. If not you may install any one of the many free available Python IDEs like PyCharm or VS Code, etc,

Step-2: Download the same sound.mp3 file or any other .mp3 file of the sound you want to use in your project. (But remember to change the file name in code line 118 and 123). Also most importantly make sure that both the .mp3 file and .py file are in the same folder on your machine in order to connect them to each other.

Enjoy your pong game!


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Althoug the output can be changed to various different colors, sizes and shapes for the element and can be put up as the output using turtle GUI module.