
ctc is a tool for collecting and analyzing historical data of Ethereum and other EVM chains

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

⛓🔍 Check the Chain (ctc) 🔎⛓

ctc is a tool for historical data analysis of Ethereum and other EVM chains

It can be used as either 1) a python package or 2) a cli tool

ctc is in beta, please report bugs to the issue tracker


  • data collection: collects data from archive nodes robustly and efficiently
  • data storage: stores collected data on disk so that it only needs to be collected once
  • data coding: handles data encoding and decoding automatically by default
  • data analysis: computes derived metrics and other quantitative data summaries
  • data visualization: plots data to maximize data interpretability and sharing
  • protocol specificity: includes functionality for protocols like Chainlink, Uniswap, ERC20, and more
  • command line interface: performs many block explorer tasks in the terminal

for details check out the docs


  1. Example Usage
    1. ERC20: get all token transfers and balances of an ERC20
    2. Uniswap: get swaps, mints, and burns of a Uniswap pair
    3. Chainlink: get historical data for a Chainlink feed
    4. DAO: get DAO proposals and votes
  2. Installation
  3. FAQ
  4. Similar Projects

Example Usage

for more examples see examples in (the docs)[https://ctc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html#datatypes]

Get all token transfers of an ERC20

# python

from ctc import evm

# get token transfers
transfers = await evm.async_get_erc20_transfers(

# get holdings of each address for a given block
holdings = await evm.async_get_erc20_balances_from_transfers(transfers=transfers, block=12345789)
# bash

ctc erc20 transfers 0x956f47f50a910163d8bf957cf5846d573e7f87ca \
    --output transfers.csv

ctc erc20 balances 0x956f47f50a910163d8bf957cf5846d573e7f87ca \
    --output balances.csv \
    --block 12345789

Get DAO proposals and votes

# python

from ctc import evm

dao_address = '0x0bef27feb58e857046d630b2c03dfb7bae567494'

proposals = await evm.async_get_events(

votes = await evm.async_get_events(
# bash


ctc events $DAO ProposalCreated --output proposals.csv
ctc events $DAO VoteCast --output votes.csv

Get historical data for a Chainlink feed

# python

from ctc.protocols import chainlink_utils

feed = '0x31e0a88fecb6ec0a411dbe0e9e76391498296ee9'

data = await chainlink_utils.async_get_feed_data(feed)
# bash

ctc chainlink 0x31e0a88fecb6ec0a411dbe0e9e76391498296ee9 --output data.csv

Get swaps, mints, and burns of a Uniswap pool

# python

from ctc.protocols import uniswap_v2_utils

pool = '0x94b0a3d511b6ecdb17ebf877278ab030acb0a878'

swaps = await uniswap_v2_utils.async_get_pool_swaps(pool)
mints = await uniswap_v2_utils.async_get_pool_mints(pool)
burns = await uniswap_v2_utils.async_get_pool_burns(pool)
# bash


ctc uniswap swaps $POOL --output swaps.csv
ctc uniswap mints $POOL --output mints.csv
ctc uniswap burns $POOL --output burns.csv


Two steps:

  1. pip install checkthechain
  2. run ctc setup in terminal to specify data provider and data storage path

If your shell's PATH does not include python scripts you may need to do something like python3 -m pip ... and python3 -m ctc ...

ctc requires python >= 3.7. Detailed instructions and requirements can be found in the installation docs.


  • What are the goals of ctc?
    • Treat historical data as a first-class feature: This means having historical data functionality well-integrated into each part of the of the API. It also means optimizing the codebase with historical data workloads in mind.
    • Clean API emphasizing UX: With ctc most data queries can be obtained with a single function call. No need to instantiate objects. RPC inputs/outputs are automatically encoded/decoded by default.
    • Maximize data accessibility: Blockchains contain vast amounts of data, but accessing this data can require large amounts of time, effort, and expertise. ctc aims to lower the barrier to entry on all fronts.
  • Why use async?
    • async is a natural fit for efficiently querying large amounts of data from an archive node. All ctc functions that fetch external data use async. For tips on using async see this section in the docs. Future versions of ctc will include some wrappers for synchronous code.
  • Do I need an archive node?
    • If you want to query historical data, you will need an archive node. You can either run one yourself or use a third-party provider such as Alchemy, Quicknode, or Moralis. You can also use ctc to query current (non-historical) data using a non-archive node.
  • Is ctc useful for recent, non-historical data? Yes, ctc has lots of functionality for querying the current state of the chain.

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