
question about cost limit

ljfantin opened this issue · 3 comments

I have a question about cost limit in TMMemoryCache.
I set the cost limit, but when I called setObject from TMCache, the cost of object always was zero. Then the memory always was in increasing
Can anyone help me?

TMMemoryCahe Code

  • (void)setObject:(id)object forKey:(NSString *)key
    [self setObject:object forKey:key withCost:0];

The cost limit is zero by default, and objects have zero cost by default.

Cost limit used used as follows:

  • Set a non-zero limit like memoryCache.costLimit = 100
  • Calling setObject:forKey:withCost:block: and pass non-zero cost values, e.g.
[memoryCache setObject:foo forKey:@"foo" withCost:25 block:nil];

Once the cost values that you set for each object accumulate to be greater than the limit, the cache will start trimming.

But, You are using TMCacheMemory in this case
I want to use TMCache with cost limit.
Is possible ?

@ljfantin I'm sorry but I don't understand your question. Cost limit only applies to the in-memory component of the cache.