- 0
#96 opened by code1303009 - 2
crash in NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile
#94 opened by tjcsr - 3
Docs aren't available on
#22 opened by sinchan - 2
objectForKey:block: fails to call completion block when asked to process "large" numbers of requests
#25 opened by prendio2 - 3
Need my custom policy to clean disk cache..
#24 opened by fvisticot - 6
- 0
investigate TMCache update
#93 opened by tacovollmer - 0
#92 opened by jj89757hhb - 2
setObject generates .dat.nosync instead of normal cache file in the path.
#91 opened by LiVincent-Zhang - 1
memory leak while reading from diskcache
#56 opened by skyahead - 2
Completion block is not called
#73 opened by cyril94440 - 1
- 0
setObject not working
#90 opened by cyril94440 - 3
Advice on usage for offline solution
#88 opened by DRosadoYew - 0
Memory warning block did not execute
#87 opened by lhyhsx - 11
[Question] MemoryWarning in 2.0
#85 opened by studentdeng - 2
No changelog for 2.0?
#84 opened by ryanmaxwell - 4
"byteCount" get the wrong value after caching multiple times on the same key
#79 opened by vietstone-ng - 1
If setObject:forKey:block is called for a key that already exists (i.e. update object for a key), the byte count is not changed to reflect the update.
#42 opened by SudeepSidhu - 3
disscuss about thread safe
#80 opened by luoyibu - 4
cache life time
#65 opened by syrakozz - 0
ageLimit is not an ageLimit
#76 opened by albsala - 0
#75 opened by avance80 - 1
TMDiskCache fails silently when keys are too long
#31 opened by peyton - 3
question about cost limit
#72 opened by ljfantin - 10
Remove shadowing of variables
#61 opened by JonasGessner - 3
#63 opened by kompw - 2
Too many dispatch threads
#39 opened by iluuu1994 - 1
- 2
could i get all keys from the
#52 opened by wwpp3399 - 5
#43 opened by guptakshi16 - 1
how to print all objects and keys in cache
#46 opened by shiweifu - 2
Update changelog
#66 opened by rsanchezsaez - 0
#67 opened by maxstoller - 5
- 4
Question: This comment seems unwarranted
#59 opened by plivesey - 3
Crash inside TMDiskCache objectForKey:block
#32 opened by akurkin - 2
Submit a spec for commit '89c70886dd74e9b4c799cc075014043d3de56f19' to CocoaPods
#47 opened by jervine10 - 1
Cocoapods out-of-date
#49 opened by ebgraham - 4
- 2
- 2
Which apis below iOS 5.0 has been used?
#34 opened by levey - 1
Build failure with -Wall due to cute #pragma
#36 opened by pizthewiz - 2
- 4
Define a limit to TMMemoryCache memory consumption
#21 opened by mackoj - 0
add set with cost methods to TMCache
#20 opened by jstn - 0
- 3
Diskcache does not keep content ?
#18 opened by fvisticot - 0
blocks for will/did removeAllObjects
#17 opened by jstn - 0
add version number to the title of the docset
#16 opened by jstn