graphs, trees, and binary trees Exercises

An exploration of several data structures

To locally:

  1. Clone the repo from github.
  2. Run yarn or npm install to install all packages from the package.json.
  3. Install jest globally by running npm install jest -g.
  4. Run tests by running jest --watch.
  5. If you wish to use the Chrome debugger, run yarn start. This will open up a Chrome tab where you can inspect and use the debugger tools. You can create instances of the classes in the src folder files. For example: In /src/graphs.js, you can create a graph instance like:
let graphInstance = new Graph();
graph.addEdge(1, 2);
graph.addEdge(1, 3)
  1. Check out solutions in /solutions folder. There are many ways to implement the methods in each of the data structure classes, but these are generally what I found easiest.