
Smaller Step Size

EdReardon opened this issue · 7 comments

Is it possible to reduce the step size any more? I'm trying to scan UK CB40 (27.60125, 27.61125.... etc) but I can't directly enter or scan as these seem to fit outside of all steps?

Is this possible with firmware changes?

How can I implement this? Is this already part of the nodded firmware? Can I upload just this modification?


uvmod_kitchen is a tool that allows you to make your own modified firmwares with only what you want.
Look at the README file at https://github.com/amnemonic/Quansheng_UV-K5_Firmware/tree/main/uvmod_kitchen

RE3CON commented

Is it possible to provide some compiled binaries with this frequ. steps added and more microfon gain levels?

I suppose so. You could do it yourself with the tool I linked in my previous post, though...
Here's a .bin with 50-850MHz TX, more frequency steps and the mic gain patch.

RE3CON commented

This is so great! Thanks a lot.

Closing this issue since a firmware with smaller steps has been provided.