
React Application showing specifications of Starwars characters.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Originally created for Voyance HQ test. The codebase is now feature complete; please submit bug fixes via pull requests & feedback via issues.

Getting started

You can view a live demo over at https://starwars-universe-ng.netlify.app/

To get the frontend running locally:

  • Clone this repo
  • npm install to install all requiredd dependencies
  • npm start to start the local server (this project uses create-react-app)

Be aware that Local web server will use the standard React's port 3000 . You can configure port in scripts section of package.json if you have backends like Node or Rails to avoid conflicts.

Making requests to the backend API

Convinently, i used the open and keyless API swapi.dev/api/people for the application to make requests against. You can view the API spec here which contains all routes & responses for the server.

Functionality overview

The Starwars character project is simply an entertainment focused web app that lists out features of your favorite star wars characters. It uses a custom API for all requests. You can view a live demo over at https://starwars-universe-ng.netlify.app/

General functionality:

  • Search functionality to display characters matching search term.
  • Persisted display of Starwars characters on the landing page.
  • Sidebar that holds a list of your favorite characters (Your choices are persisted also).
  • Uniqe pages for each selected Starwars character.

The general page breakdown looks like this:

  • Home page (URL: /#/ )
    • List starwars characters displaying options to be added to favorites or deleted from your favorites list.
    • Sidebar consiting your saved characters.
    • Used redux to maintian the global state user's favorite character, list of characters, and search terms
    • Pagination for list of articles
    • Persist data (store favorite characters in localStorage).
  • Search results page (URL: /#/search)
    • Displaying a list of characters matching your searched term. Search term here was concurrently fetched, stored in redux store, and fetched to properly filter to redurect user to the exact character.
  • Character page (URL: /#/actor/id )
    • The page shows a table with details of the character selected.


Tunde Adepegba - christopher.adepegba@gmail.com

Project Link: https://github.com/Tundeshield/Starwars-universe