This project contains the code for these reddit bots:


The primary bot is AutoCrosspostBot.
It scans reddit comments and looks for ones that match the pattern


Here is an example comment that matches that pattern.
It was posted to the subreddit r/wholesomememes, and the entirety of its content is just a link to a another subreddit called r/gatesopencomeonin.

The assumption I make when I see such a comment, is that the user is implying something along the lines of: "this post would also fit nicely in r/gatesopencomeonin".

When my bot finds such a comment, it saves the link to that comment for later processing.
After waiting 3 months, the bot checks the same comment, and if it has accrued enough upvotes (and passed a few other filters), the bot will crosspost the submission that the comment replied to, to the target subreddit.
(in our example, it crossposts from r/wholesomememes to r/gatesopencomeonin. Here is the crosspost that the bot made)



Replies to the same type of comments and informs that the sub they linked does not exist.


Replies to comments that link to the same subreddit that comment was posted on.


Replies to comments that link to a subreddit that already has a post with the same content as the source submission.

Known problem: Reposts

AutoCrosspostBot has two methods for preventing reposts. It first checks whether the source submission link was already posted to the target subreddit, and then it uses to check whether anything similar to that link was already posted to the target subreddit.

As far as I know, RepostSleuth doesn't support videos or any other non-image file format, so this method will fail to detect video reposts.

I am looking for a way to solve this problem. Suggestions are welcome.


Python 3.X PostgreSQL Heroku (for production)

How to install

pip install -r requirements.txt

How to run



I use Heroku to host and run the bots and the Postgres database. I also use Papertrail as the logging platform.

git clone
cd reddit_auto_crosspost_bot
heroku login
heroku ps:scale worker=1


The data utilized by the AutoCrosspostBot is stored in a PostgreSQL database. See instantiate_db.sql for the table and stored function definitions.

Environment variables

On dev, the environment variables are stored in the .env file, and on production, they're stored on the Heroku app's config vars.

APP_CLIENT_SECRET - generated by reddit, u/AutoCrosspostBot's app client secret.
APP_CLIENT_SECRET__SUB_DOESNT_EXIST - generated by reddit, u/sub_doesnt_exist_bot's app client secret.
APP_CLIENT_SECRET__SAME_SUBREDDIT - generated by reddit, u/same_subreddit_bot's app client secret.
APP_CLIENT_SECRET__SAME_POST - generated by reddit, u/same_post_bot's app client secret.
COMMENT_SCORE_THRESHOLD - the minimum score needed for a suggestion source comment to trigger a crosspost.
DATABASE_URL - the postgres database url, begins with `postgres://`.
DEBUG - boolean flag, `True` for debug mode.
LISTEN_ONLY - boolean flag, `True` when setting AutoCrosspostBot to only listen to comments without crossposting.
PASSWORD - u/AutoCrosspostBot's password.
PASSWORD__SUB_DOESNT_EXIST - u/sub_doesnt_exist_bot's password.
PASSWORD__SAME_SUBREDDIT - u/same_subreddit_bot's password.
PASSWORD__SAME_POST - u/same_post_bot's password.
PHASE2_WAITING_PERIOD - time interval between a suggestion source comment being saved and it passing through phase 2.
PHASE3_WAITING_PERIOD - time interval between a suggestion source comment being saved and it passing through phase 3.
PAPERTRAIL_API_TOKEN - self explanatory.

Phase 1, 2, 3

AutoCrosspostBot acts in three phases:

Phase 1

Listen to the r/all comment stream and save comments that fit the pattern of a source suggestion comment. It is during this phase that the other three bots (u/sub_doesnt_exist_bot, u/same_subreddit_bot, u/same_post_bot) also act.

Phase 2

Purge saved comments whose score does not pass the threshold, and other filters. The purpose of this phase is to significantly reduce the amount of rows of saved comments that are present in the database at any point. Heroku's free tier limits this number to 10,000 by default.

Phase 3

Re-check all the filters, then finally crosspost.


If you like the bot, you're welcome to donate to help me maintain and improve it ❤
