
Post-master position research on developing machine learning technique for hadron calorimeter at INFN Padova (data generation part)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Geant4 simulation

Geant4 simulation data for "Paticle Detector optimization with Deep Learning techniques" project.


Dataset old structure

  • The simulation produced: kaon, pion, proton, and neutron.
  • Each folder contains 100 .root files with 1000 events each, labeled with a file number (i.e. proton_i.root with i=1,…,100).
  • Each file contains two trees:


part_info (MC truth of particle hits) E_dep (the energy stored by the hit in each cell)
Cut: particle momentum >2MeV Cut: energy deposit > 1keV
event_id: int to label all hits belonging to the same event event_id: same as before, int ID to filter single events
pdg_id: PDG encoder for particle species #N/A
Track_id: int label for the track the hit belongs to #N/A
parent_id: int label for reconstructing where hit was originated from #N/A
pos_x,pos_y,pos_z: hit position Cell_no: int ID corresponding to which cell is collecting the deposit
Mom: particle momentum #N/A
edepo: energy deposited in the hit edep: energy deposited in cell

Dataset new structure

  • The simulation produced: kaon, pion, proton.
  • Each folder contains 50 .root files with 1000 events each, labeled with a file number (i.e. proton_i.root with i=1,…,50).
  • Each file contains one tree:


part_info (MC truth of particle hits)
Cut: particle momentum >1MeV
Cut: delta E > 100MeV
event_id: int to label all hits belonging to the same event
part_id: PDG encoder for particle species
track_id: int label for the track the hit belongs to
parent_id: int label for reconstructing where hit was originated from
edepo: energy deposited in the hit
deltae: change in energy of the particle
mom: particle momentum
global_t: Global time of the particle within the simulation.
cublet_idx: Index for a specific cublet within the simulation (1 cublet = 10x10 cells).
cell_in_cub: Indicates the cell within a cublet where the particle has interacted.

Execute the code

We need to compile it inside a build folder.

mkdir build

cd build

cmake ../

This way we set the dependencies for our project. Now to compile it, inside the build folder:


This creates the executable - default name is exampleB4a

./exampleB4a // Run with graphic
./exampleB4a -m run2.mac // Run without graphic

Produce the data
