C++ template engine that generates C++ code from template, so you will gain VERY good performance and full power of C++.

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📚 About CXTPL (C++ template engine)

Template engine with full C++ power (transpiles template to valid C++ code, supports Cling, e.t.c.).

Note: this project is provided as is, without any warranty (see License).

What is .cxtpl

.cxtpl is file extention for C++ template engine.

Example (more below):

<div> some template string here </div>
[[~ int valid_cpp_code_block_here = 0; ~]]
[[~]] int and_valid_cpp_code_line_here = 0;
<div> another template string here </div>
<div> C++ from template = [[* valid_cpp_code_block_here *]] </div>

You can pass C++ variables by pointers into cxtpl, that is very usefull if you want to use complex data structures as template parameters.

C++ template engine transpiles template into C++ code, so you will gain VERY good performance and full power of C++.

C++ template engine may run in two modes:

  • compile-mode: compile cxtpl code into C++ file or std::string, then #include generated code & compile app as usual. Best performance.
  • cling-mode (C++ JIT executed at runtime): compile cxtpl code into C++ file or std::string, then run generated code in Cling interpreter (no need to recompile app, usefull in dev-mode or for php-style apps). See as example https://github.com/blockspacer/CXXCTP

How to use C++ file generated by CXTPL

Again: Think about .cxtpl as lambda-function returning std::string. Prefer not to use #include from .cxtpl, just create .cxtpl.h file. Then #include both generated .cxtpl.cpp and created .cxtpl.h in your app code.

Code generated from .cxtpl must create variable with name cxtpl_output, so structure your code as below:

/// \note header is NOT generated, it includes stuff for other generated file
#include "../../resources/cxtpl/typeclass_instance_gen_hpp.cxtpl.h"

// ...

void somefunc() {
  std::string cxtpl_output;

  /// \note this is generated .cpp file, it must not use #include
  #include "../../resources/cxtpl/generated/typeclass_instance_gen_hpp.cxtpl.cpp"

  writeToFile(cxtpl_output, gen_hpp_name);

You need to #include all headers used by template generator in your app code. It is good practice to create separate .cxtpl.h file near to your .cxtpl. Separation of include files allows to use same includes/logic both in compile-mode (just #include your .cxtpl.h) and cling-mode (pass contents of your .cxtpl.h as function argument). See enum_gen_hpp.cxtpl.h and CXTPL_STD.h as example.

Template syntax

cxtpl uses approach similar to How to write a template engine in less than 30 lines of code from https://bits.theorem.co/how-to-write-a-template-library/

  • [[~ means start execution of C++ code while parsing template. Requires ~]] as closing tag.
  • ~]] means end execution of C++ code while parsing template
  • [[~]] means start execution of C++ code while parsing template. Requires newline (\n) as closing tag.
  • [[+ means add result of execution of C++ code to output while parsing template. Result must be string. Requires +]] as closing tag.
  • [[* means add result of execution of C++ code to output while parsing template. Result will be converted to string (just wrapped in std::to_string). Requires *]] as closing tag.

Example before template parsing/transpiling:

[[~ // parameters begin

const std::string generator_path = "somepath";

std::vector<std::string> generator_includes{"someinclude"};

// parameters end
/* no newline, see CX=l */ ~]][[~]]
// This is generated file. Do not modify directly.
// Path to the code generator: [[+ generator_path +]].

[[~]] for(const auto& fileName: generator_includes) {
[[+ fileName /* CX=r used to append to cxtpl_output */ +]]
[[~]] } // end for

Example after template parsing/transpiling:

// This is generated file. Do not modify directly.
// Path to the code generator: somepath.


Usefull links:

Clone code

# git submodule deinit --all -f
git submodule sync --recursive
git fetch --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 5
# or
git submodule update --force --recursive --init --remote


# Boost
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boost-latest/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
aptitude search boost
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev

sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin openmpi-common libopenmpi-dev

# CMake
bash scripts/install_cmake.sh

# Folly deps from https://github.com/facebook/folly#ubuntu-1604-lts
sudo apt-get install \
    libevent-dev \
    libdouble-conversion-dev \
    libgoogle-glog-dev \
    libgflags-dev \
    libiberty-dev \
    liblz4-dev \
    liblzma-dev \
    libsnappy-dev \
    zlib1g-dev \
    binutils-dev \
    libjemalloc-dev \
    libssl-dev \

# g3log
bash scripts/install_g3log.sh

# gtest
bash scripts/install_gtest.sh

# gflags
bash scripts/install_gflags.sh

# NOTE: need libunwind with -fPIC (POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE) support
bash scripts/install_libunwind.sh

# folly
# NOTE: we patched folly for clang support https://github.com/facebook/folly/issues/976
bash scripts/install_folly.sh

How to build

# tested with gcc
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
# create build dir
cmake -E remove_directory build
cmake -E make_directory build
# configure
cmake -E chdir build cmake -E time cmake -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=FALSE -DENABLE_CLING=FALSE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
# build
cmake -E chdir build cmake -E time cmake --build . -- -j6
# (optional) check examples
# cmake -E time cmake -E chdir build/examples/simple/ ./CXTPL_examples_simple
# cmake -E time cmake -E chdir build/examples/cmake_integration/ ./CXTPL_examples_cmake_integration
# install lib and CXTPL_tool
sudo cmake -E chdir build make install
CXTPL_tool --help
# run CXTPL_tool
cmake -E time cmake -E chdir build/tool ./CXTPL_tool --help
# example input
echo "file1.cxtpl" >> build/file1.cxtpl
echo "file2.cxtpl" >> build/file2.cxtpl
echo "file3.cxtpl" >> build/file3.cxtpl
echo "file4.cxtpl" >> build/file4.cxtpl
cmake -E time ./build/tool/CXTPL_tool --threads 6 --input_files build/file1.cxtpl build/file2.cxtpl --output_files build/file1.cxtpl.generated.cpp build/file2.cxtpl.generated.cpp

How to use CXTPL_tool

--help for list of available commandline options

--input_files for input files.

--output_files for output files. If not set, than output file names will generated based on input file names.

Number of input files must be equal to the number of output files. File order is important.

./build/tool/CXTPL_tool --threads 6 --input_files build/file1.cxtpl build/file2.cxtpl build/file3.cxtpl build/file4.cxtpl --output_files build/file1.cxtpl.generated.cpp build/file2.cxtpl.generated.cpp build/file3.cxtpl.generated.cpp build/file4.cxtpl.generated.cpp -L ".=DBG9"

-L .=DBG9 is log configuration in format https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/logging/docs/Config.md

Example of log configuration which writes both into the file and console stream:

./build/tool/CXTPL_tool --threads 6 --input_files build/file1.cxtpl build/file2.cxtpl --output_files build/file1.cxtpl.generated.cpp build/file2.cxtpl.generated.cpp j -L ".:=INFO:default:console; default=file:path=y.log,async=true,sync_level=DBG9;console=stream:stream=stderr"

--srcdir to change current filesystem path for input files.

--resdir to change current filesystem path for output files.

--global_timeout_ms to limit execution time for input files (performs check after task completion to stop other tasks from running).

--single_task_timeout_ms to limit execution time for singe input file (performs check after task completion to stop other tasks from running).

--version to get tool version

How to use with CMake project

Suppose you need to generate code based on template files before building TARGET_NAME_HERE.

Add path to cmake/exports to your CMAKE_MODULE_PATH:

# replace path/to/CXTPL with yours
list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH path/to/CXTPL/cmake/exports)

Specify files for code generation:

set(cxtpl_in_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/cxtpl")
set(cxtpl_out_dir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/cxtpl/generated")

list(APPEND cxtpl_inputs "${cxtpl_in_dir}/enum_gen_hpp.cxtpl")
list(APPEND cxtpl_inputs "${cxtpl_in_dir}/enum_gen_cpp.cxtpl")

list(APPEND cxtpl_outputs "${cxtpl_out_dir}/enum_gen_hpp.cxtpl.cpp")
list(APPEND cxtpl_outputs "${cxtpl_out_dir}/enum_gen_cpp.cxtpl.cpp")

Macro target_add_CXTPL_tool will invoke CXTPL_tool on TARGET_NAME_HERE:

find_package(CXTPL_tool REQUIRED)

# create new codegen files for TARGET_NAME_HERE based on cxtpl_inputs and cxtpl_outputs
target_add_CXTPL_tool(TARGET_NAME_HERE "${cxtpl_inputs}" "${cxtpl_outputs}")

See examples/cmake_integration

Projects that use CXTPL

Project status

In development

Currently supports only linux.

Note that you can run linux containers under windows/mac/e.t.c.

About cling

You can use cling to execute C++ at compile-time/run-time, for hot code reload / REPL / Fast C++ prototyping / Scripting engine / JIT / e.t.c.

Usefull links:


RTTI enabled only in command line tool (CXTPL_tool), RTTI required by boost.po.

CXTPL library disabled RTTI and uses BOOST_NO_RTTI/BOOST_NO_TYPEID (as private cmake config).

⭐️ How to Contribute

Please read our contributing guidelines before making your pull request.

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

Contributors List: Example Profile

  • I'm an example that you can copy, if you want :)
  • I work on many things like...
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Contributors List 👌


Denis trofimov

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