
This makes your daily Mysql task x 10 times easier. With simple text UI.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Py-MySql-Tool APP

This makes you daily python mysql tasks x 10 times easier. IN Progress!


Pre-release: 1.0.1 Is now out: (EXE for windows)

( GUi in progress with: PyQt5 )

so far this module can do following MYSQL tasks: (more comming)

  • Ask MYSQL info (through cmd with input)
    • ip (localhost)
    • username
    • password
    • Databasename (and use it if it exsists all ready)
  • A Connet to MYSQL server with out databasename. function: db_connector_new(), info: (new = as a new connection without database yet)
  • Connect to MYSQL server with database name. function: db_connector()
  • Close MYSQL Connection. function: close_connection()
  • Generate database with name you want. | Function: gen_db("database_name")
  • Generate table in named database. Function: gen_table("table_name") + It automaticly add 1 column (called: dataID -> automated number for data added in future)
  • Add column: this allow you add named column -> in named table. Function: add_column("table_name", "column_name")
  • Show databases this prints a list of databases in MYSQL server you are connected. Function: show_databases()
  • Delete database with this function you can drop a named db from MYSQL server (! all data is deleted !). Function: delete_db(database_name)
  • Delete a named table from connected db. Function: delete_table("table_name")
  • Delete a named column from connected db. Function: delete_column("table_name", "column_name")