Android swipe-able view, which allows users to perform actions with swipe gestures.
- alexeymorozuaKiev
- alonedmer
- alphaDroid89
- brianrobles204Southern California
- cenkgun@Getir
- david-perez
- davidru85Logroño, La Rioja, Spain
- dgngulcanNYC
- eraydemirokİzmir
- fg2q1q3q
- Freakaros
- fukhaosMobitouch
- Gamis214Global Hitss
- ghostmanexpFlorianopolis - SC - Brazil
- HelloInfo
- hocinehamdiSSENSE
- joen93
- juanlabradorPicap
- mhelder
- mmBs
- muigukennethCrystalapp Technologies
- netherpyro@Ylee-Studio
- nikolaychernovSamara, Russia
- nzwnabdulwahid
- pedrofsn@GetAmbush
- Perfomer@Tinkoff
- revanmjWarsaw, Poland
- sciageDhwani RIS Pvt Ltd
- silvanadorantesBarquisimeto, Estado Lara. Venezuela
- tbfungeekGuangzhou
- Tvede-dkTvede systems
- uncn
- yanglichuanBeijing chaoyang
- zaream
- zbd0518
- zkvarz@DataArt