##Project aim:
- Read room's temperature and humidity by using DHT11
- Update data to thingspeak.com My channel is: https://thingspeak.com/channels/82606
=============================================================================== ##How's to:
- 01 Raspberry Pi (I am using Pi2, B) with power suppy and wifi dongle (or ethernet)
- 01 DTH11
- Breakboard, wire
- 01 4.7kOhm resister
###2.Installation: Read Adafruit README
###3.Register an account on thingspeak.com. It's free!! Create a channel
Read more here: https://www.mathworks.com/help/thingspeak/getting-started-with-thingspeak.html ###4.Run: cd examples/
vi AdafruitDHT.py (or nano AdafruitDHT.py)
Add your API key (at line 61)
save and quit vi
./AdafruitDHT.py 11 4 (Note that: 11 - DHT11, 4 - pin 4th of Pi)
See the graph and customise you channel
Viel Spaß ^^