
Practical resources for offensive CI/CD security research. Curated the best resources I've seen since 2021.

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Awesome CI/CD Attacks Awesome

Offensive research of systems and processes related to developing and deploying code.



A curated list of unique and useful CI/CD attack techniques.

Publicly Exposed Sensitive Data

Initial Code Execution

Post Exploitation

Defense Evasion


  • ADOKit - Azure DevOps Services Attack Toolkit.
  • Gato - GitHub Attack Toolkit.
  • Gato-X - GitHub Attack Toolkit - Extreme Edition.
  • GH Archive - A project to record the public GitHub timeline, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis.
  • GHTorrent Project - A queryable offline mirror of the GitHub API data. Tutorial.
  • git-dumper - Dump Git repository from a website.
  • GitFive - OSINT tool to investigate GitHub profiles.
  • Grep.app - Search GitHub using regex.
  • Jenkins Attack Framework - This tool can manage Jenkins tasks, like listing jobs, dumping credentials, running commands/scripts, and managing API tokens.
  • Nord Stream - A tool to extract secrets stored inside CI/CD environments.
  • pwn_jenkins - Notes about attacking Jenkins servers.
  • Secrets Patterns Database - The largest open-source database for detecting secrets, API keys, passwords, tokens, and more.
  • Sourcegraph - A web-based code search and navigation tool for public repositories.
  • Token-Spray - Automate token validation using Nuclei.

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