
Jetpack Layouts

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Kotlin JitPack License: MIT

What is Jetpack Layouts?

JetpackLayouts is an Android library providing a collection of custom layouts built with Jetpack Compose. This library aims to simplify the creation of complex layouts by offering reusable composable functions. Currently, it includes a Circular layout, with more layouts to be added in the future.


Current available versions:

  • Stable: NONE
  • Unstable: 0.1.0-alpha4

Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

implementation 'com.github.TurKurT656:JetpackLayouts:0.1.0-alpha4'


Circular layout

Only RadiusRadius AngleExtra Radius HexExtra Radius SpiralExact Angle

For basic usage you can use the below code:

    center = {
) {
    for (user in users) {
Attributes Type Description
overrideRadius () -> Dp Distance from the layout center to the children's center.
startAngle () -> Float Specifies the starting angle for the first child.
center @Composable () -> Unit Center element of the circular layout.
content @Composable () -> Unit Children to be placed in the circular layout.

Since overrideRadius and startAngle are lambda functions you can animate them without performance loss:

var isExpanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

val radius by animateDpAsState(
    targetValue = if (isExpanded) 120.dp else 80.dp,
    animationSpec = spring(),

val startAngle by animateFloatAsState(
    targetValue = if (isExpanded) 30f else 0f,
    animationSpec = spring(),

    overrideRadius = { radius },
    startAngle = { startAngle },
    center = {
            onClick = {
                isExpanded = !isExpanded
) {
    for (user in users) {

If you want one of the children to have an extra radius or an exact angle, you can use extraRadius and exactAngle modifier functions that are available in CircularScope:

    center = {
) { // CircularScope
        modifier = Modifier.exactAngle(30f),
        user = users[0],
        modifier = Modifier.extraRadius(16.dp),
        user = users[1],

Community 💬

Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.