
Newznab/Torznab indexer that grabs data from the Sneedex

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Running with Docker

Keys to collect note there is no API key for the indexer itself, as this project is intended to run on an internal Docker network, without ports being expoesd to the internet

  • AnimeBytes - for AnimeBytes results // only required if you are using AnimeBytes
  • If you are using Redis as your cache, you can retrieve the REDIS_URL and REDIS_TOKEN keys from Upstash

Clone the repository or fetch it however you want:

git clone https://github.com/TurboCheetah/sneedznab.git
cd sneedznab

Edit the environment variables in docker-compose.yml to suit your needs.

Finally, spin up a Docker container using docker-compose up -d.

Explaination of environment variables

  • <PROVIDER>_ENABLED: when set to true Sneedznab will search this provider for the requested anime
  • ANIMEBYTES_PASSKEY: your AnimeBytes passkey. Only required if ANIMEBYTES_ENABLED is set to true. See above for where to obtain it
  • ANIMEBYTES_USERNAME: your AnimeBytes usersname. Only required if ANIMEBYTES_ENABLED is set to true. This is required for interacting with their API
  • REDIS_ENABLED: determines whether or not to use Redis as the cache provider instead of a local in-memory cache
  • REDIS_URL: the URL to the Redis database hosted by Upstash. Only required if REDIS_ENABLED is set to true. See above for where to obtain it
  • REDIS_TOKEN: the token used to access the Redis database. Only required if REDIS_ENABLED is set to true
  • CACHE_TTL: how long a cached entry should live in the cache for
  • DEBUG: toggles verbose logging

Segmentation Faults

Due to its instability, Bun may segfault after performing a search. From my testing this only has a chance of occuring on the first search. If you encounter this, just restart the container and perform a test search until it doesn't segfault.