
SVFS vs HubicFuse

Closed this issue · 14 comments

Hi there,

I’m new to the hubiC world, and wondering how I should set-up this to use as a filesystem target.

I’ve seen there is this project as well as https://github.com/ovh/svfs. I’m trying to determine which one is the best to use. Apparently hubicfuse is community developed, older and more discussed around the web. svfs on the other hand is developed by OVH directly, and if at first it required regenerating manually some URL every 24 hours, this seems to be a thing of the past.

So, I’m asking here toward hubicfuse devs and (former) users, should I go for this or svfs.


@dan-cristian Well, I somehow expect that, but I’d like to try to use it first since I have 2×10 To included through a DSL subscription with OVH. Also, ACD does not seems to be usable as a VFS, so this would be a nogo for me.

@ArchangeGabriel what's your conclusion? did you use svfs instead of this?

@dan-cristian is it not expensive?

how is it differ from s3?

Amazon banned acdcli and rclone....

And now Amazon changed unlimited to 1 TB. Good luck @dan-cristian to clean your storage!

Regarding me, I still didn’t had the time to setup either fuse or svfs, but I’ll keep this ticket updated when I’ll do.

I'm using the windows client currently for upload, not ideal indeed. Unlimited option is still enabled/available in my subscription, i use it for backup from my NAS, so no big deal if I have to change the cloud provider.


@dan-cristian If you haven’t read any article about this yet, I advise you one: https://techcrunch.com/2017/06/08/amazon-ends-its-unlimited-cloud-storage-plan/.

Just for the record, I haven’t tried SVFS and do not plan to do so unless something requires me to.