
A library that groups useful utils for a day to day development.

Primary LanguageJava

Android Utils

A library that groups useful utils for day to day development.


  • getColorIntFromColorRes(Context context, @ColorRes int resId)
  • getColorIntFromColorString(String color)


  • isTelephonyFeatureAvailable(Context context)
  • isCameraFeatureAvailable(Context context)
  • isFrontCameraFeatureAvailable(Context context)


  • getDrawableUri(@DrawableRes int drawableResId)
  • getFileUri(File file)
  • getUrlUri(String url)


  • isSimReady(Context context)
  • sendNativeSms(String message, ArrayList phoneNumbers)


  • showVirtualKeyboard(View view)


  • getDisplayMetrics(Context context)
  • getScreenWidthPx(Context context)
  • getScreenHeightPx(Context context)


  • convertDpToPx(Context context, int valueInDp)