
Rewrite of the MinecraftMapmaker in Java

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

Compatible with Minecraft 1.13+ Compatible with Sponge Schematica format used by World Edit.


This program takes an image and generates multiple files that aid in the building of Minecraft maps displaying this image. It is meant for multiplayer servers that do not allow directly manipulating the map data. Contrary to other programs, this program does not generate the map file itself.

This program can work with both the flat method, for 58 colors, and the staircase method for 174 colors. ()

To run this program, you only need Java 1.8

Generated Files

A txt file displaying the type and amount of blocks needed

A txt file displaying the type and position of these blocks

One or more Sponage Schematic files for World Edit(see "About large images" below) and compatible plugins to directly import the blocks into Minecraft

A image showing an approximation of the end result


Download the Jar from https://github.com/Turidus/MinecraftMapmaker-JediTion/releases/latest

Execute the Jar. At first use it will generate a folder names resources containing some files including this readme.

A GUI will open where you can generate the files you want.


####Menu Bar

  • File: Here you can close the window
  • Edit: Here you can save the current configuration or load the default values
  • About: Here you can find out more and check for new updates.

####Main Window The GUI has three main columns.

#####First column In the first column you can choose the image to process and a folder to save the files to. You can also optionally choose a project name under which the files will be saved and modify the colors and the blocks to be used in the generation. It also lets you choose the color matching algorithm. CIE deltaE 2000 matches closer to the human reception of colors, while Euclidian uses a very simple approach, that leads to sharper color islands. When in doubt, test it out. At last, you can choose the minecraft version you play at.

#####Second column In the second column you can choose what will be generated.

#####Third column In the third column you can modify the constrains under which the map will be generated.

The field Minimal Y coordinate should be on the level where you plan to build the map. It has to be smaller than 251 and at least 4 smaller than maxY.

The field Maximum X coordinate should be as high as you can to prevent miscolored pixels on the map (see About very large images). It has to be bigger than 4, smaller than 256 and at least 4 bigger than minY.

The field Final size in X allows the input picture to be scaled to a chooses size. For example, if you set it to 100, the finale construct will be exactly 100 blocks width. If set to 0, the original size of the picture will be used.

The field Final size in Z allows the input picture to be scaled to a chooses size. For example, if you set it to 100, the finale construct will be exactly 100 blocks long. If set to 0, the original size of the picture will be used.

The field Maximum Schematic size hast to bigger than 0. It limits the size of the generated square Sponge Schematic. If you set it very low you have to import lots of schematics, if you set it too high, importing the schematics can choke or even outright crash your server (see About large images).

####Colors and Blocks In this window you can select the colors that are used by clicking the check mark and also select, where available, which block to use for this color.

About the cobblestone line

When you built/import the construct, you will notice that there is an additional line at the north end, made out of cobblestone (or another kind of block if cobblestone is turned of). This is necessary to prevent the first line of the image to be miscolored. One easy way to deal with this additional line is to place it just out of range of the map, which prevents it from being rendered. Another way is to replace the line of cobblestones with something that blends with the environment.

About large images

Large images, 128 x 128 pixels and larger, can heavily impact your server when you import schematics. You should consider using Fast Asynchron World Edit or similar to prevent your server from freezing up. You can also split up the schematic into smaller chunks by providing a Maximum schematic size value smaller than the image size.

About very large images

Very large images, 250 x 250 pixels and larger, not only have all the problems large images have, they also run into the world height limit. Especially if you have large areas with one single color or you have a really large image (~450 x 450 pixels and larger) a perfect representation of the image would need Y coordinates higher than 256. To prevent the result of exceeding this height limit (or any chosen maximum Y coordinate) this program will force any blocks exceeding the maximum allowed Y coordinate to be below it, but this also introduces miscolored pixels into the final image. These become very noticeable in images with large areas with a single color, while busy images can deal better with this.

Besides setting the maximum Y coordinate bigger than your image height + minimum Y coordinate, the best way to handle this is to cut your image into ImageSizeX x 256 or even ImageSizeX x 128 pixel areas. These images can then be processed and placed individually.

An additional problem is performance. Very large images can take a while to process, up to multiple minutes depending on your machine.

The maximal tested size that can be processed is 1000x1000 pixels, images with more than a million pixel could run into the maximum heap size of the JVM (Java virtual machine) which will crash the program and are not allowed.

About (multiple) schematics

The schematics expand from the block you are standing on towards East and South. If you want to place a schematic between (0,0) and (128,128) you have to stand on (0,0). The way you are looking has no impact on it. The upper left pixel of the image will always spawn on the (x,z) block you are standing, which will be the north-west most block in the construct. Multiple schematics are named with their relative placement towards each other, going form north to south and west to east. PartZ0-X1 has to be placed on the east of partZ0-X0, partZ1-X0 has to be placed on the south of Z0-X0.

About the BaseColorIDs.txt

This file contains the basic color IDs (https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Map_item_format#Base_colors), and some associated blocks. You can add blocks that are not included by editing this file and adding the block and the block id to the approbriat base color id.