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This project develops a secure Certificate Authority (CA) system using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for iMovies. It aims to ensure secure communication within the company and with external informants


We simulated the company's infrstructure through the use of VMs. The system is composed of 6 main components - a central firewall for routing and enforcing network security, a Web server that provides the user interface, a certificate authority server that issues/revokes certificates, a SQL server for data storage and a server for centralized backups and logging. Finally there's a user-gui VM designed for testing purposes, simulating a machine on the internet which can use iMovie's services.

We also left two hidden intentional backdoors (a fairly easy one and a tougher one) to be found by another team. We also performed some pentest on another team's system to find their backdoors and other vulnerabilities.

Assignment and System Description

The assignment of the project gives more detailed information about the required task, there's also some detailed information about this system and the security measures in place in our System description report.

Review and pentesting of another team's system

The Red team report of the reviewed team is available here and the presentation we did about there system, including some of the fun backdoors we exploited can be found here.


To deploy the system, begin by setting up the virtual machines (VMs) using Vagrant. Run the vagrantfile in each component's directory to install the respective VMs. Once the VMs are ready, you can proceed with the deployment process. Detailed instructions for deploying the system from the .ova files are provided in This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to ensure a smooth and successful deployment of the system.

Security notice

Some secrets were left in the repository (such as API keys) to facilitate local testing. DO NOT use these in any production environment.