Flexible and efficient resize, rename, and upload images to Amazon S3 disk storage. Uses the official AWS Node SDK for transfer, and ImageMagick for image processing. Support for multiple image versions targets.
- 0
- 16
Error: Command failed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
#77 opened by erezger - 0
Problem with ImageMagick 7.x
#141 opened by AlTheLazyMonkey - 5
TimeoutError: Connection timed out after 10000ms
#121 opened by meghjoshi - 0
[Feature Request] - Proxy Support
#139 opened by JonatanSalas - 3
- 0
It doesn't return or upload original image
#138 opened - 7
Nope Command failed: /bin/sh -c identify -format
#73 opened by kikar - 0
upload error: convert failed
#137 opened by haseebnaseem - 9
Please help me on this.
#67 opened by kantaharikrishna - 0
- 0
- 2
Unable to parse path with space
#108 opened by hoodsy - 2
Original uploaded image does not have an extension when the path is specified
#132 opened by CodeStrumpet - 0
client.upload() getting error
#133 opened by sanjeevbelagali - 4
I am getting Invalid argument for cropping error
#78 opened by inampaki - 0
Add ImageMagick installation instructions
#131 opened by lukasz-galka - 2
- 1
if crop the image with width and aspect ration, how to define from the center/top/down as the position to crop? Thanks.
#129 opened by hanweifish - 1
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Creating image version without specifying max-width (original size), results in smaller image file size (lesser quality?) than a smaller px image?
#122 opened by Eric-Tran - 5
How to use with form upload and express 4?
#110 opened by fatlinesofcode - 1
I don't want to upload the original image.
#107 opened - 5
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Buffer / url as source
#88 opened by PierrickP - 1
Drop support for Node.js v0.10
#63 opened by Starefossen - 6
- 4
Not making the uploaded things public
#70 opened by kantaharikrishna - 3
Throwing error while uploading image
#66 opened by kantaharikrishna - 1
- 7
awsBucketAcl: 'public-read' in not making the resource public. Its still private.
#69 opened by kantaharikrishna - 0
Cleaning original image that wasn't uploaded
#76 opened by itamarwe - 3
Example usage
#51 opened by Starefossen - 0
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- 1
alternative for the resize an image
#75 opened by EdQL - 2
- 7
- 2
Renaming of file - what happens?
#65 opened - 2
- 4
Configuire cloudFront for AWS-SDK
#61 opened by damonYuan - 0
- 1
Ditch CoffeeScript
#40 opened by Starefossen - 2
- 0
set name in image
#38 opened by nicholasess - 2
How to pipe a path of multipart data?
#42 opened by nikkwong - 1
Idea: post-resize hook / event
#33 opened by anthonyringoet - 11
Force type of image, but not work
#37 opened by nicholasess - 1
cleanup does nothing
#35 opened - 0
Force aspect ratio orientation
#30 opened by Starefossen