Visual Programming Language

Primary LanguageC#

Visual Programming Language

A simple, extensible VPL based around a plugin architecture.


Using VPL

Install the "CaptiveAire.VPL" nuget package.

//Create the system plugins
var plugins = SystemPluginFactory.CreateAllPlugins();

//Create the vplService
var vplService = new VplService(plugins);

To edit / run a function:

//Create new function metadata
var functionMetadata = new FunctionMetadata() 
    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
    Name = "My Function"

//Edit the function (providing an action that will persist the function)
vplService.EditFunction(functionMetadata, f => SaveFunction(f))

Calling Functions

To call functions, you must provide an implementation of IFunctionService and include this in your plugin services.

There is no default implementation of IFunctionService

Creating a Plugin

Plugins can provide the following:

  • Custom Elements
  • Custom data types (via the IVplType interface / VplType class)
  • Provide WPF resources such as styles and control templates.

A simple 'Alert' statement:

public class Alert : Statement
    private readonly IParameter _messageParameter;

    public Alert(IElementCreationContext context) : base(context)
        _messageParameter = context.Owner.CreateParameter("message", context.Owner.GetStringType());


    public override object Label
        get { return "Alert"; }
        set {  }

    protected override async Task ExecuteCoreAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var message = await _messageParameter.EvaluateAsync(cancellationToken) as string;


Then, create the plugin:

var alertPlugin = new VplPlugin("Alert",
                new IElementFactory[]
                    new ElementFactory(
                        new Guid("FBB6804C-B90C-4A88-B28B-8B733C1A9F0D"), 
                        context => new Alert(context), 

Add this to the list of plugins when creating the vpl sevice.

//Create the system plugins
var plugins = SystemPluginFactory.CreateAllPlugins().ToList();


//Create the vplService
var vplService = new VplService(plugins);

Now, drag out an Alert statement and add some text for the message:
