The editor is usable but still under development.
The editor provides syntax highliting for:
The Current version of Heaven's Door is 0.8. This is my plan for the feature:
Version 0.6 Improve and extend current features. (DONE)
Version 0.7 Add text search. (DONE)
Version 0.8 Add Syntax highliting for my esoteric programing language Xanadu. (DONE)
Version 0.9 Oops. Forgot about DO/UNDO.
Version 1.0 Code improvements and bug fixing.
To open a file add the file path after the executable. For example, after build the executable in ./build you open the test0.txt file in the ./test-files directory like so:
./build/rohan ./test-files/test.txt
To create a new file run the executable normally and when you are done press ctrl+s. The the editor will ask you for a name and create the file under that name
To quit the editor press ctrl+q
To save the current file press ctrl+s. To force quit the program without saving press ctrl+q 3 times
To move around in all direction use the arrow-keys
To jump to the start/end of a line press the home/end key respectively
To jump to the beginning/end of a file press the page-up/page-down keys respectively
You can search and jump to a specifc string of characters by pressing ctrl+f. You can then use the arrow keys to jump between search results
Type out the characters that you want and they will be added to the text string. This includes spaces
To add a new line press enter.
To delete backwards use the backspace or ctrl+h keys. To delete forwards press the Delete key.