Weather App 🌦️


This is a weather applications built using React that allows users to check the current weather and weather forecast for various cities. The application utilizes the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch weather data and the GeoDB Cities API to retrieve citynames. Additionally, the react-select-async-paginate library is used to enhance the user experience by providing a convenient city search functionality.

Features: Current Weather: Displays the current weather conditions for the selected city.

Detailed Weather Information: Provides a detailed description of current weather conditions such as pressure, humidity and wind speed.

Weather Forecast: Shows the weather forecast for 3 days, 5 days and 7 days, which allows users to plan ahead. The forecast includes temperature highs and lows, weather descriptions, and icons representing weather conditions.

City Selection: Using the react-select-async-paginate library to improve city selection. Users can easily search for a specific city, and the app will give suggestions as they type.


To view a demo online: Weather App

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