This is a Repository where different types of Front - End Projects are present. If you have any front end project then you can contribute to this open source repository.
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"Contribute Now" Button Not Functioning
#2022 opened by Irfan-Ullah-cs - 1
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Logistic Company Website
#2019 opened by yewantraj - 1
#2017 opened by Shahharshii - 1
webpage not responive for tablet and mobile screen
#2016 opened by Shahharshii - 1
changes in tag
#2015 opened by ASK4IND - 1
Feat : Trigger the search bar when CTRL + K is clicked
#2012 opened by Om6214 - 1
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Node and Library Text Overlap
#2009 opened by omkarkhot0500 - 1
Search Icon Missing Hover Pointer
#2008 opened by omkarkhot0500 - 1
Tesla Website Clone
#2007 opened by AmrutaJayanti - 1
Duplicate Project Listing, Missing Image, and Broken Links on Project Page
#2005 opened by HimanshuGitCode - 3
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Contribution Button on Main Page Not Functional
#1994 opened by MuGrahiman - 1
index.html improvement
#1993 opened by jaebee2 - 1
Palindrome checker demo website not working
#1990 opened by aditya955569 - 2
Random Gradient Generator
#1986 opened by yash-gharat - 1
Bookmarker_App- copy button for url copy
#1989 opened by anushka2423 - 1
-- Path links not working
#1985 opened by Noeeekr - 1
Option to play tic tac toe with computer
#1965 opened by just-Muzz - 1
[Multiple Categorys - Dynamic Quiz Project ]
#1958 opened by kappelanderson - 7
[BUG]: Navigation Links Not Redirecting to Destination Pages in the Zomato Clone Website
#1953 opened by akhilrocz - 1
Adding BodyBuddy Feature to Frontend Projects Repo
#1952 opened by NebulaTris - 1
Job Finding Website
#1947 opened by apu52 - 8
Weather App
#1939 opened by pabitra0011 - 1
Gym Landing page
#1938 opened by AnkitaSikdar005 - 1
Food Website
#1935 opened by apu52 - 1
Restaurant Point of Sale App
#1960 opened by lalindandryn - 1
Invoice Filtering Using Javascript
#1970 opened by DineshK3012 - 3
Can't Open the file
#1966 opened by gagan257 - 1
[BUG]: Not able to open the file after downloading pdf in the "Save text as file" Project
#1954 opened by akhilrocz - 2
Netflix Home Page Clone
#1967 opened by DineshK3012 - 2
Tic Tac Toe
#1964 opened by aadium - 2
#1963 opened by aadium - 1
Placeholder Image generator
#1950 opened by Risad212 - 2
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Google Clone
#1940 opened by ayan-joshi - 1
Readme file for advice generator
#1941 opened by ayan-joshi - 2
Scientific Calculator
#1936 opened by apu52 - 4
Deployed Netlify App is being shown as 'Dangerous'
#1921 opened by zabihshaik - 2
Adding Quote Generator app
#1932 opened by md-abid-hussain - 2
Website Protfolio
#1933 opened by Aakash-2004 - 1
Carousel Slider
#1928 opened by AdebayoIbrahim - 3
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UX/UI Improvement for Note app
#1886 opened by Benrobo - 1
Random Joke Generator
#1919 opened by mdvadiyatnaqvi - 1
[SSoC 2.0] Emoji Maker Project
#1899 opened by Avdhesh-Varshney - 1
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new web application for car statistics
#1903 opened by weaklogics - 1
React Weather App With 5 Days Forecast
#1887 opened by Adedoyin-Emmanuel