This is an ongoing attempt at making a full microservices based system for handling day to day operations at any organization.
- Authentication
- Discovery
- Gateway
- Config Server
- Team Data Management
- Delivery Portfolio
- Login(Role Based Check not implemented yet)
- Home
- Team Data Management
- Delivery Portfolio
(Project runs on Angular CLI version 1.6.1) For the UI, to install node modules(from inside the directory)
npm install
ng serve --port 4100
To load dummy data change file name in TDM resources to import.sql from DummyData.sql and change the hibernate-ddl to create-drop.
- Maven -> build (to generate target files and Mapper)[Skip tests if they cause the buid to fail]
clean install
- Launch services in order
Discovery -> followed by rest of the services as required -> lastly Gateway
Hit the url
{ "username": "test1", "password": "test1" }
- The project offers a simple Token based authentication system, utilizing zuul filters and an authentication service for Token generation.
- The Team Data Management service does as the name states and manages the data of the employees.