
College Sem 1 Assignment

Primary LanguageC

Event Management System

This system allows users to register for events and generate a consolidated report of all events.


  1. Define EventType enum and Event struct.
  2. Define generateEvent, printEvent, printReport functions.
  3. In the main function:
    • Initialize the 2D array of events and the day-wise revenue array.
    • Enter a loop that continues until the user chooses to exit.
      • Display the main menu and get the user's choice.
      • If the user chooses to register for an event:
        • Get the day, event type, number of participants, and revenue from the user.
        • Check if the limit of events per day is reached.
        • If not, generate the event and add it to the events array.
      • If the user chooses to generate the consolidated report, call the printReport function.
      • If the user chooses to exit, break the loop.
    • Free the allocated memory for the events array and the day-wise revenue array.

