Official Tutla Assistant Bot source code
The Tutla Assitant bot has been a project I've worked on for a long time. Today, I decided to share this project.
Tutla Assistant is a Discord Selfbot that has many QOL & Helpful commands, you can see all the commands by running /help
on any channel.
You require:
- Python 3.8+
Python Libraries: requirements.txt
To install this you will first install Python 3.8+ with it in the environment variables. After that you may want to install each of the libraries as follows:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once successfully installing the libraries you would want to make some changes in the config
, here's how to:
"version":"v2", // version
"dev_mode":false, // developer mode
"feed":true, // if you want subscribers to your feed
"logging_channel": 0,// The channel (id in INT) where you'll store the QOTD, Bugs & Suggestions in
"about": "ABOUT YOUR BOT",
Change these accordingly or use the prebuilt one we've provided (but do change the logging_channel
Then you may proceed to adding the account you want to run the assistant program on. You must get the token of the account and create an environmental vairable called "TOKEN" and "rapid_api_key" (get it at the rapid api website).
You'll first need a host that uses (Windows is fine but we're using an sh
file here)
We have also added
(for linux) that will restart the file when it crashes (it sometimes crashes). You will need to change python3.9
to whatever suits you. That line is the command to run the script with python3.9
being your python executable command and the following file is your code.
Run ./
to get it started
Open up the modules folder and in one of the section create your file. It doesn't need to be in any of the categories, it just needs the ability to import
After that you can follow this example if it's in my command structure:
from ..Module import *
from ..Utils import *
import discord
class YourCogCommands(commands.Cog): # (Optional, you can use the cogs we've already provided)
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
@premium_command # (Optional) Decorator to make it a premium command
@app_commands.command(name="dm",description="DM a user") # Create the Command
@app_commands.check(commandCheck) # (Reccomended) (Optional) Check for reject command for banned users and TOS requirement
@app_commands.user_install() # (Optional) Make it a User Install command
async def dm_callback(self,interaction: discord.Interaction,user:discord.User,text:str): # Paramaters
await user.send(text)
await interaction.response.send_message("Sent!",ephemeral=True)
async def setup(bot: commands.Bot):
await bot.add_cog(YourCogCommands(bot))
from ..Module import *
This code automatically import all the neccasary libraries- Next we have the decorators which as you see in the comments makes it a premium, user installable command which is named "dm" and can "Dm a user". The command check checks for several things and which I definetly reccomend using
- Next we come to the asynchronous function, you can name it anything and requires the
parameters - Inside the command we send the
a message (text
) and then respond to theinteraction
by telling you've sent the message - the
and Cog declaration is used for creating the Cog tohandle the commands. You can use any of the cogs I've alreayd provided for it.
AdvancedCogs are group commands, group = app_commands.Group(name="groupName", description="groupDesc")
they have almost no difference apart from the fact that they can't be used as a user_install command, commands are not cerated with app_commands.command
but with group.command
and you can create subcommands by just adding a parent=group
to the parent group.
from data import db
, uses sqllite3
Func initalize_db(): Intializes DB
Func printDB(): Returns DB Contents
Func add_user(user_id: int, member=False, premium=False, banned=False, mod=0, aura=1000, slowmode=None, last_command=" ",daily=None,xp=10): Adds a user to the DB
Func edit_user(user_id: int, member=False, premium=False, banned=False, mod=0, aura=1000, slowmode=None, last_command=" ",daily=None,xp=10): Edit a user's data
Func user_exists(user_id): Returns if a user's data is stored or not
Func get_data(user_id, column_name): Get a specific user data
Func initalize_db(): Intializes DB
Func printDB(): Returns DB Contents
Func add_server(server_id: int, **kwargs): Adds a server to the DB
Func edit_server(server_id: int, **kwargs): Edit a server's data
Func server_exists(server_id): Returns if a server's data is stored or not
Func get_data(server_id, column_name): Get a specific server data
from modules import Utils
List premium_list []: Premium users
List banlist []: Banned Users
# config.json load
Var version: Current Version
Var dev_mode [bool]: Debug Mode
Var feed [bool]: Enables subscribption
Var logging_channel: Channel for storing data
Var about: About your bot
Var discords: Your discords
Var true: True
Var false: False
Func premium_reload: Reloads all premium users (premium_list)
Func ban_reload: Reloads all banned users (banlist)
Func getCmdCount: Returns total command count
Class Logger(name:str): Creates a Logger to print neat output (intead of print)
log(text, style="normal|warning|error|execution|success"): Main print function
Func dlog(text): Debug logger
ModuleLogger: Logger("module")
HTTPLogger: Logger("http")
ModLogger: Logger("mod")
DBLogger: Logger("database")
MainLogger: Logger("main")
ShellLogger: Logger("shell")
DebugLogger: Logger("debug")
Command-Based Functions:
Func isInSlowmode(user_id,time): Checks if user's slow mode exceeds time (time in seconds)
Func getSlowmode(user_id): Get's user's slowmode-ctime diff
Func getAdminLevel(user_id): Returns user's Tutla Admin Level (0-4)
Func message_without_command(params:List[message.content.split()]): Returns the message without it's initial execution command as a string
Utility Functions:
Func ai(prompt): Generates AI Response
Func execute(command): Executes Tutla Shell Prompts
Modding in Tutla Assistance is an alternative to making commands and is way more flexible and has much more use than a command. If you want to create something simple try a command but a complex project like a SnipeBot or a ChatBot.
class Mod:
def __init__(self,name,description): = name
self.description = description
self.initial = None # Intialization Command
self.onMessage = None # On Message trigger
self.onDelete = None # On message_delete trigger = None # Bot Access, discord.Client
async def initial_executor(self,function): # Sets your initialization function, triggered within 15 seconds of bot mainloop.
self.initial = function
await function()
def on_message(self, function): # Sets your message trigger
self.onMessage = function
def on_delete(self,function): # Sets your delete trigger
self.onDelete = function