
A Master list of Go Programming Tutorials, their write-ups, their source code and their current build status!

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TutorialEdge.net Go Tutorials 👩‍💻👨‍💻

Welcome to the TutorialEdge Go Repository!

The goal of this repo is to be able to keep track of all the Go tutorials and their respective github repo locations and build statuses. These will be updated and run with the latest versions of Go as and when they are released.

Table of Contents

Beginners Tutorials

These tutorials are aimed at newcomers to the language looking to improve their fundamental understanding of how things work in Go!

Tutorial Title TutorialEdge Github Build Status Date Updated
01 - Getting Started with Go Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/getting-started-with-go Travis-CI Status N/A
02 - Go Basic Types Tutorial Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/go-basic-types-tutorial Travis-CI Status N/A
03 - Go Composite Types Tutorial Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/go-complex-types-tutorial Travis-CI Status N/A
04 - Go Functions Tutorial Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/go-functions-tutorial Travis-CI Status 27th March, 2019
05 - Go Interfaces Tutorial Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/go-interfaces-tutorial Travis-CI Status N/A
06 - The Go Init Function Read Tutorial N/A N/A N/A
07 - Building a Web Server in Go Read Tutorial N/A N/A N/A
08 - Encryption and Decryption in Go using AES Read Tutorial N/A N/A N/A

Intermediate Tutorials

These are for the more experienced Go developer looking to take their Go application development to the next level and improve on existing knowledge of the language.

Tutorial Title TutorialEdge Github Build Status Date Updated
01 - An Intro to Testing in Go Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/an-intro-to-testing-in-go N/A 19th Jan, 2020
02 - Advanced Testing in Go Read Tutorial N/A N/A 19th Jan, 2020
03 - Improving your Go Tests with Mocks and Testify Read Tutorial N/A N/A 19th Jan, 2020
04 - Project Structure Best Practices Read Tutorial N/A N/A 19th Jan, 2020
05 - Building a Network CLI in Go Read Tutorial N/A N/A N/A

Advanced Tutorials

These are advanced tutorials designed to help introduce more concepts such as exposing WebSocket APIs or REST APIs and communicating with databases.

Tutorial Title TutorialEdge Github Build Status Date Updated
01 - Go Websockets Tutorial Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/go-websockets-tutorial N/A 19th Jan, 2020
02 - Create REST API in Go Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/create-rest-api-in-go Travis-CI 11th May, 2019
03 - Go MySQL Tutorial Read Tutorial N/A N/A 19th Jan, 2020
04 - Go JWT Tutorial Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/go-docker-tutorial N/A 19th Jan, 2020
05 - Go OAuth2 Tutorial Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/go-docker-tutorial N/A 19th Jan, 2020
06 - Go gRPC Beginners Tutorials Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/go-grpc-tutorial N/A 9th May, 2020


This section is devoted to tutorials primarily focused more on the developer operations aspect of Go development.

Tutorial Title TutorialEdge Github Build Status Date Updated
01 - Go Docker Tutorial Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/go-docker-tutorial N/A 19th Jan, 2020
02 - Go Multi-Stage Docker Tutorial Read Tutorial N/A N/A 19th Jan, 2020
02 - Building a CI Pipeline for Your Go Projects Read Tutorial elliotforbes/go-ci-pipeline-example N/A 19th Jan, 2020
03 - Improving your Go Dev Workflow with Git Hooks Read Tutorial N/A N/A 19th Jan, 2020
04 - Working with Environment Variables in Go Read Tutorial N/A N/A 19th Jan, 2020
05 - Makefiles for Go Developers Read Tutorial N/A N/A 19th Jan, 2020


This section contains more complete Go applications and series that help you to see the bigger picture.

Tutorial Title TutorialEdge Github Build Status Date Updated
01 - Go WebAssembly Tutorial Read Tutorial elliotforbes/go-webassembly-framework N/A 11th April, 2019
02 - Building a Chat Application in Go and React.js Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/realtime-chat-go-react N/A 11th April, 2019
03 - Building a Real-time YouTube Subscriber Monitor in Go Read Tutorial N/A N/A 11th April, 2019
04 - Building a REST API using GORM and Fiber Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/go-fiber-rest-api-tutorial N/A 26th April, 2020

Data Formats

Handy tutorials which are good references for when you want to work with data formats such as JSON, XML or Protocol Buffers.

Tutorial Title TutorialEdge Github Build Status Date Updated
01 - Go JSON Tutorial Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/Go-JSON-Tutorial Travis Build Status 11th April, 2019
02 - Go XML Tutorial Read Tutorial TutorialEdge/go-xml-tutorial Travis-CI 11th May, 2019
03 - Go Protocol Buffer Tutorial Read Tutorial N/A N/A 19th Jan, 2020

Concurrency Tutorials

These are tutorials focused on teaching concurrency concepts to people looking to improve the performance of their Go applications.

Tutorial Title TutorialEdge Github Build Status Date Updated
01 - Go goroutine Tutorial Read Tutorial N/A M/A N/A
02 - Go Mutex Tutorial Read Tutorial N/A M/A N/A
03 - Go Channels Tutorial Read Tutorial N/A M/A N/A
04 - Go WaitGroup Tutorial Read Tutorial N/A M/A N/A


A series of Go challenges designed to test your Go skills! 😎

  1. [TutorialEdge Go Challenges](https://tutorialedge.net/challenges/go/