
Fast & Easy package management for Arch Linux.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Archie - Fast & Easy Package Management for Arch Linux

Archie is a command-line tool for managing packages on Arch Linux, providing a simple interface for common package management tasks using yay or paru.


  • Update the system
  • Install packages
  • Remove packages
  • Purge packages
  • Clean cache
  • Clean orphaned packages
  • Search for packages


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/zackychann/archie.git
    cd archie
  2. Compile the program:

  3. Install the binary to /usr/bin (requires root permissions):

    sudo make install
  4. AUR

    Archie is also available on the AUR. You can install it using your preferred AUR helper. For example, with yay:

    yay -S archie


When you run archie, you will see the following prompt:

Welcome to Archie, type "h" for help

You can then use the following commands:

  • u - Update the system
  • i - Install a package
  • r - Remove a package
  • p - Purge a package
  • c - Clean cache
  • o - Clean orphaned packages
  • s - Search for a package
  • h - Display help
  • q - Quit the application


To install a package, type i and follow the prompt:

$ i
Enter package name to install:

Command-Line Arguments

  • --exec <command> - Execute a specific command without entering the interactive prompt. The <command> can be one of the following:

    • u - Update the system
    • i - Install a package
    • r - Remove a package
    • p - Purge a package
    • c - Clean cache
    • o - Clean orphaned packages
    • s - Search for a package
    • h - Display help


    archie --exec u

    This command will update the system directly from the command line. If you run archie --exec without specifying a command, you will be prompted to enter a command interactively.

  • --version - Display the version information:

    archie --version


        __     Archie v1.3 - Fast & easy package management for Arch Linux
     .:--.'.   Written in C, powered by YAY and Pacman.
    / |   \ |  paru v2.0.3 - libalpm v14.0.0
    `" __ | |  
     .'.''| |  
    / /   | |_ This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
    \ \._,\ '/ Created & maintained by Gurov
     `--'  `"  With the help of scklss and Keiran


  • gcc - GNU Compiler Collection
  • yay or paru - AUR helpers for Arch Linux
  • git - For installing yay if it is not already installed
  • readline - A library for command-line input, probably preinstalled
  • ncurses - A library for text-based user interfaces, probably preinstalled



Archie uses yay by default, but if you only have paru installed it'll use it. If you have both and you want to use paru instead of yay create a file in $HOME called .archie-use-paru, and it will install paru instead of yay

touch $HOME/.archie-use-paru


if Archie fails to upgrade to a newer version, try cleaning cache using your prefered AUR helper of choice and installing it again, example given

 yay -Scc --noconfirm && yay -S archie --noconfirm


This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License. See the LICENSE file for details.