
Solana validator operations shell scripts

Primary LanguageShellDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

big thanks to mvines!!!!

Solana Validator Shell Scripts

This project contains useful scripts for easily running a Solana validator on a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 machine. It uses my (mvines) preferred Solana mainnet settings and best practices. The command names are slightly quirky, and currently not too well documented

Approximate Clean Machine Setup


curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Solana Cli

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/beta/install)"

then restart shell to apply new PATH


View all journalctl -f with:

sudo adduser sol adm
sudo adduser sol sudo
sudo bash -c "cat >/etc/sysctl.d/20-solana.conf <<EOF
# Increase UDP buffer size
net.core.rmem_default = 134217728
net.core.rmem_max = 134217728
net.core.wmem_default = 134217728
net.core.wmem_max = 134217728

net.core.optmem_max = 100
net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 100

# Increase memory mapped files limit
vm.max_map_count = 2000000
EOF" && \
sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/20-solana.conf
sudo bash -c "cat >/etc/security/limits.d/90-solana-nofiles.conf <<EOF
# Increase process file descriptor count limit
* - nofile 2000000
sudo bash -c "cat >/etc/logrotate.d/sol <<EOF
$HOME/solana-validator.log {
  rotate 3
    systemctl kill -s USR1 sol.service


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git htop silversearcher-ag iotop \
  libssl-dev libudev-dev pkg-config zlib1g-dev llvm clang \
  cmake make libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler nvme-cli

SSH keygen

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 && cat .ssh/id_ed25519.pub

Solana Git Setup

for ch in edge beta stable; do \
  git clone https://github.com/solana-labs/solana.git ~/$ch; \
done; \
(cd ~/beta; git checkout v1.14); \
(cd ~/stable; git checkout v1.13); \
ln -sf beta ~/solana


git clone https://github.com/mvines/sosh ~/sosh

then add to your bash config:

echo '[ -f $HOME/sosh/sosh.bashrc ] && source $HOME/sosh/sosh.bashrc' >> ~/.bashrc
echo '[ -f $HOME/sosh/sosh.profile ] && source $HOME/sosh/sosh.profile' >> ~/.profile

then restart shell

Sosh Configuration

If you wish to customize the Sosh configuration

cat > ~/sosh-config.sh <<EOF
# Start with upstream defaults
source ~/sosh/sosh-config-default.sh

# Local config overrides go here

and adjust as desired

Build your validator binaries

Pick the "beta" tree with:

p beta

or perhaps "stable":

p stable

or even "edge":

p edge

Validator keypairs


The primary keypair is what your staked node uses by default.

mkdir -p ~/keys/primary

then either copy your existing validator-identity.json and validator-vote-account.json into that directory or create new ones with

solana-keygen new -o ~/keys/primary/validator-identity.json --no-bip39-passphrase -s && \
  solana-keygen new -o ~/keys/primary/validator-vote-account.json --no-bip39-passphrase -s

If you wish to activate the primary keypair,

sosh-set-config primary


Secondary keypairs are host-specific and used by hot spare machines that can be switched over to primary at runtime. Once your primary keypair is configured, run

mkdir -p ~/keys/secondary && \
  solana-keygen new -o ~/keys/secondary/validator-identity.json --no-bip39-passphrase -s

If you wish to activate the secondary keypair,

sosh-set-config secondary

Later run xferid <secondary-host> from your primary to transfer voting to the secondary.

Other keypairs...

Any string other than primary and secondary may be used to configure other keypairs for dev and testing. For example to configure a dev keypair:

mkdir -p ~/keys/dev && \
  solana-keygen new -o ~/keys/dev/validator-identity.json --no-bip39-passphrase -s && \
  solana-keygen new -o ~/keys/dev/validator-vote-account.json --no-bip39-passphrase -s

If you wish to activate the dev keypair,

sosh-set-config dev

Maybe Setup tmpfs

Depending on RAM size add an entry like this to /etc/fstab:

128GB RAM machine:

tmpfs /mnt/tmpfs tmpfs rw,size=32G,user=ops,noatime 0 0

256GB RAM machine:

tmpfs /mnt/tmpfs tmpfs rw,size=128G,user=ops,noatime 0 0

512GB RAM machine:

tmpfs /mnt/tmpfs tmpfs rw,size=256G,user=ops,noatime 0 0


sudo mkdir /mnt/tmpfs
sudo mount /mnt/tmpfs

Recommended tmpfs configuration

  • 128GB RAM: incremental snapshots
  • 256GB RAM: incremental snapshots, accounts
  • 512GB RAM: : incremental snapshots, full snapshots, accounts

Maybe Adjust FileSystem Usage

rocksdb filesystem

Assuming /mnt/ledger-rocksdb is the desired location for rocksdb, such as a separate nvme:

mkdir -p ~/ledger/
ln -sf /mnt/ledger-rocksdb/level ~/ledger/rocksdb
ln -sf /mnt/ledger-rocksdb/fifo ~/ledger/rocksdb_fifo
accounts filesystem(s)

If present the /mnt/accounts1, /mnt/accounts2, and /mnt/accounts3 locations will be added as an --account arg to validator startup.

If none are present, accounts will be placed in the default location of ~/ledger/accounts

Example of putting all accounts in tmpfs:

sudo ln -s /mnt/tmpfs /mnt/account1

Example of putting 50% of accounts in tmpfs, 50% on a separate drive:

sudo ln -s /mnt/tmpfs /mnt/account1
sudo ln -s /mnt/nvme2 /mnt/account2
snapshot filesystems

If not present, snapshots will be placed in the default location of ~/ledger

Example of putting all snapshots in tmpfs:

sudo ln -s /mnt/tmpfs /mnt/snapshots

Example of putting incremental snapshots in tmpfs, full snapshots in default location:

sudo ln -s /mnt/tmpfs /mnt/incremental-snapshots

Note that when snapshots are placed in tmpfs you will need to manually recover the validator if the system ever reboots by running fetch-snapshot.sh with usable args.

Start the node manually to initialize the ledger

validator.sh init

then monitor logs with t. This will prepare ~/ledger and download the correct genesis config for the cluster.

Fetch a current snapshot

Use fetch_snapshot.sh to get a snapshot from a specific node.

  • Mainnet NA-based nodes, try fetch_snapshot.sh bv1 or fetch_snapshot.sh bv2.
  • Mainnet EU-based nodes, try fetch_snapshot.sh bv3
  • Mainnet Asia-based nodes, try fetch_snapshot.sh bv4
  • Testnet, try fetch_snapshot.sh tv

Start the sol service

sudo bash -c "cat >/etc/systemd/system/sol.service <<EOF
Description=Solana Validator


EOF" &&

sudo bash -c "cat >/etc/systemd/system/sol-hc.service <<EOF
Description=Solana Validator Healthcheck


EOF" && sudo systemctl daemon-reload

then run:

soshr          # Sosh alias for `sudo systemctl restart sol sol-hc`

and monitor with:

jf            # Sosh alias for `journalctl -f`



Stop the sol service


Clean sol service restart

svem   # Alias for `solana-validator exit --monitor`

Update validator binaries

To fetch the latest commits for your current source tree:


then use svem to restart the sol service

Syncing to a specific tag, rather than HEAD of your current source tree, is a little clumsy currently with a "p ":

p beta v1.13.5

Revert to previous validator binaries

So you updated your validator binaries and something bad happened. Quickly revert to the previous binaries with:


then use svem to restart the sol service