
Link GitHub issue and pull request with Trello card.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


You can link GitHub Issues and Pull Request with Trello card.

Detail: https://qiita.com/Tommydevelop/items/e26654447e43edd4286e



You can choose from the following.

  • create_card_when_issue_opened

This creates Trello card when issue opened and corresponds to:

Issue Title ⇆ Trello Title

Issue Description ⇆ Trello Description

Issue Assignees ⇆ Trello Members

Issue Labels ⇆ Trello Labels

*To link Issue Labels and Trello Labels, each name must be the same.

  • move_card_when_pull_request_opened

This moves Trello card when pull request opened. It uses the issue number {#number} included in the description of the pull request and searches for cards from DEPARTURE_LIST and moves to DESTINATION_LIST. If you set up a reviewer, it will be added to the card members.

  • move_card_when_pull_request_closed

This moves Trello card when pull request closed.


TRELLO_API_KEY: Your Trello API key

TRELLO_API_TOKEN: Your Trello API token

TRELLO_BOARD_ID: Your Trello board ID

BUG_LABELS: bug,fixme

*Will use TODO List unless label identifies as bug TRELLO_TODO_LIST_ID: Your Trello TO DO list ID (only: create_card_when_issue_open)

TRELLO_BUG_LIST_ID: Your Trello Bug list ID (only: create_card_when_issue_open)

TRELLO_MEMBER_MAP: Map of GitHub Username -> Trello Username '["gh_user:tr_user", "bob_github:bob_trello"]'

TRELLO_DEPARTURE_LIST_IDS: Your Trello list ID to move from (only: create_card_when_issue_open, move_card_when_pull_request_closed)

TRELLO_DESTINATION_LIST_ID: Your Trello list ID to move to (only: create_card_when_issue_open, move_card_when_pull_request_closed)