
Characterization of 3D plant development for graminae crops

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Authors : C. Fournier, C. Pradal, B. Andrieu

Contributors :
  • M Abichou (wheat parameteristion, documentation, plantgen),
  • C Chambon (plantgen, documentation, povray, fit, io widgets)

Institutes : INRA, CIRAD

Status : R and Python package (+ L-system)

License : Cecill-C



Alinea.Adel (Architectural model of DEvelopment based on L-systems) allows to simulate the 3D architectural development of the shoot of gramineaous plant.


The package hosts generic data structure and simulation tools for gramineaous plants(Fournier & Pradal, unpublished), the Adel-Maize (Fournier & Andrieu, 1998), Adel-Wheat (Fournier et al. 2003) models, together with the wheat parameterisation model of Abichou et al. (2013) and the plastic leaf model of Fournier & Pradal (2012)


python setup.py install


  • OpenAlea.Deploy
  • OpenAlea.Mtg
  • OpenAlea.core
  • OpenAlea.visualea
  • OpenAlea.PlantGl
  • NumPy
  • Scipy
  • MatplotLib
  • Pandas
  • Rpy2

Installation with conda

Create an environment:

conda create -n adel -c openalea openalea.plantgl boost=1.66

Activate the environment:

[source] activate adel

Install the different packages

conda install -c conda-forge rpy2

conda install -c anaconda -c openalea openalea.mtg openalea.visualea openalea.core openalea.components numpy scipy matplotlib pandas pil

Install adel

python setup.py develop