MSc Cybersecurity & AI Student @ University of Sheffield - particularly interested in cyber security & machine learning
Twigonometry's Following
- 1BlademasterUK
- AndreiHPopescuUniversity of Sheffield
- bobbyjameswilliamsHavering, Greater London
- byt3bl33d3rProtectAI
- calebstewartUnited States
- CMNaticTryHackMe
- dr4k0niaGermany
- ellasestan
- foldingmango
- haipingluThe University of Sheffield
- hamishcunninghamUniversity of Sheffield
- hegde-atriLiteSite Limited
- HughZurname@NovataInc
- HuskyHacks
- JacobEbben
- LeoCeasar
- lionfish0Sheffield
- Living-with-machinesUnited Kingdom
- maalvarezlUniversity of Manchester
- mattoaellisUniversity of Sheffield
- MiniEggz
- MohamS3cFrance
- Neptyune
- OgladianUnited Kingdom
- RaivoKootUniversity of Sheffield
- RashidKhanPathan
- realoriginal
- SamFeltip
- sebzuddasEurope
- ShefESHSheffield
- Soup666Everbit Software (@everbit-software)
- swisskyrepo
- TheAlgorithmsIndia
- vxundergroundInternational
- wrmthorneUnited Kingdom